The resolution

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"Well we don't know the gender so what should i call it?" Ty asked, angered.

"I don't know maybe a GRANDCHILD?" Dad replied, I swear his face was red, as was Ty's and I'm really sure steam was coming out of his ears, I flashed Grandpa a look, I wanted this to stop.

Grandpa said, "Tim, Ty come on you need some air," He said bringing them outside.

Dad stood his place, "I will not make this excuse of a husband and Father bring me down!"

Ty looked enraged, "Excuse me? I am not an excuse for a husband! Amy and I are happy and I will be a great father, be there for my child! Unlike you who left when, your youngest was 5 years old!"

"Well at least I wasn't almost arrested for Assault!" He replied, "You don't even make a good income!"

With that Dad rushed out and where he went next I don't know, I was very mad at my father, how could he say those things to Ty. Ty just stood there and said, "I'm going to go back, if you don't mind?"

"I'll come with you," I perked, hoping to talk to him about it.

"Sorry Amy I need to think alone," He replied.

Although I was sad, I understood, I stayed behind with Lou who couldn't shut up of how much of a jerk dad was and how much she was excited for the baby, oh Lou! I love you but sometimes you can be very.... talkitive.

I went up to the Loft, where Ty was on the bed sitting down and thinking.

"Ty?" I questioned, " Can we talk?"

"Sure Amy, let's talk," He replied extending his hand towards me.

I smiled and told him, "Dad says a lot of things he doesn't mean, he's just hotheaded."

"I know Amy," He replied, "I shouldn't be offended by these things but I am, I shouldn't be. Amy, what if I am not a good father? Am I a good husband?"

"Ty you are a great Husband, and you will be a great father to the baby wether a girl or a boy, you will be great father, I know you will," I replied, I knew he would, he was good with Katie and Georgie liked him, he would be great father.

"I just still have my doubts, he put them in my head," Ty replied.

"Well no doubts should be in your mind! How have you not been a good husband?" I asked standing up.

"The assault," He replied, looking defenseless.

"The assult you were defending me against Jesse for stealing your buisness," I replied, "What else can you think of?"

"My income," He replied looking a little bit more normal, but still in the dumps.

"Your income is great, Dad is probably jealous of the income you are having at this age. He was a rodeo Cowboy. A rodeo cowboy he wasn't exactly making a good income, Ty you are a good husband and a good father, no one can change that," I replied, "Do you believe me?"

"Yeah," He replied, "I was acting stupid."

"Then make it better," I replied holding out my arms, He kissed me and gave me a long hug.

A/N: Didn't really how to end this but I think I did it well. Should it be a girl or boy? Answer in the comments below! Thanks!

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