Month 3

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"So Amy...." Lou said in a sing-song voice, "You wanna go shopping?"

"For what?" I asked looking up from my magazine, The Alberta Westerner what a great magazine.

"What else?" Lou stated, "Baby shopping. We could look at clothes, cribs, bottles..."

"No," I replied, "I don't wanna go."

"Why not?" Lou asked, obviously really wanting to go.

"I'm only starting to show, I'm barely showing, and I don't know the gender," I replied, giving a gentle rub against my belly.

"Fine then, when we know the gender will we go shopping?" Lou asked, seeming hopeful.

"Of course, " I uttered, "With Ty."

"What? Seriously with your husband?" Lou stated, "Oh Amy!"

"Yeah, I want Ty to be a major in this pregnancy it's his child too you know," I explained a little bit too expressively. Hey, I'm pregnant my emotions are shooting in every direction!

"Alright I get your point, what about names?" Lou asked.

"Names?" I replied, "I haven't given it much thought."

"Well, what are a few ideas?" She asked.

"I like Marlene, Kiarra, and Hadassah," I replied, "for a girl that is, oh and Skylar."

(A/N: If you want a name put a comment below, and I'll consider it)

"Yeah," Lou replied, "I like those names, but my opinion doesn't matter. What about some boy names?"

"I like Uriah, Josiah and Luca," I answered, those names were perfect and 2 of them from the bible!

"So do I, those are lovely Amy," Lou replied, "Wow it's 10:20, don't you have an appointment soon?"

"Yeah," I replied, "it's in 20 minutes, sorry Lou I got to go!"

"Bye Amy," She called after me, I fast-walked out of the house holding my precious baby, I wouldn't trade "it" for anything in the world.

A/N: So do you want a boy or girl, names, blah blah blah..... I've already got an idea. Next chapter/ the following chapter we will find out the gender/name of the baby.

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