Month 5

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I wake up and Look out my window. It is barely dawn. I stand up. These twins I have inside of me just don't want to go to sleep. I stand up, and walk through the kitchen, to where the laundry is, I think about the past few weeks. It has been three weeks since ty and I had told everyone about our boy and the unknown gender baby.  

I look all of our unloaded washing. Well, I don't want to do it, but someone has to. While folding shirts, I think about baby names. I have many favourites. But so does Ty, oh! This is all so hard! Being pregnant with twins is going to drive me nuts from all my emotions. 

"Amy," Ty said, exhausted, " come back to bed."

"I can't, Ty. These twins of ours are not really wanting to sleep. Come on,get up I'll make breakfast while you finish this washing," I told Ty. 

You walked over and gave me a kiss on the forehead, " I'll make breakfast while you finish the washing. Don't want you to overwork yourself." 

" Oh is that the reason," I replied taking a breath, "or is it that you hate doing the laundry?"

"Both are sufficient," he replied. 

About a half hour had passed of boring washing. I took out, folded put away. Uhh!! So boring, while Ty was  chopping and tasting and cooking. I was being really bored!  Anyway, we were both at the table. 

"What should the names be?" I asked out of the blue. 

"Well we don't know one gender," Ty replied, stating the obvious.

"Yeah," I snapped, then realizing my snap I apologized, "Sorry Hormones. They suck"

"It's okay and that is true they do suck" Ty stated, knowing my emotions are out of control these days.

"Anyway, what about boy names for our little guy?" I ask, looking in my Darling husband's sweet green eyes.

A/N: This next part is about names. If you have this name and it is not chosen because of reasons, don't be mad, please.

"How about Reid?" He asks, looking into my eyes.

"Nah, I don't really like the way it sounds," I reply, "And Ty, in case you don't know it's a tradition to name the middle name after someone in the family."

"Alright," Ty replied, "Well for our son I think his middle name should be Jack since he has been a big part in both of our lives."

"Yeah," I replied, "That's a great middle name, what about a first one? I like Luke."

"Not a bad name but not for my son, how about Abendigo?"

"Not a bad name but just not the right one, I like Uriah," I replied, speaking from the heart.

"Yes I like that name," Ty replied, " But what about the other one?" 

"The other one?" I ask defensively, "that's our baby!"

"Sorry Amy! Just a bit drowsy, that's all," Ty answered, "Not good vocabulary."

"Alright, just the hormones, again. Those things are going to drive me into insanity!" I replied. Ty placed his hand on mine, reaching across the table to do so. I smile affectionately.

"So when will you know the other gender?" Ty asked.

"The doctors don't know when, unless it turns around. But the Doctor said it is healthy just the gender will probably be unknown till the birth," I replied, "At least that's what the doctor suspects but it could change at any time."

"Well what about Names if its a girl?" Ty asked, anticipating the answer he did not know.

"Not now Ty! I'm really tired, they want me to go to sleep now," I groan with a yawn.

Seeing my sleepiness Ty replies, "Alright, have a nap, I'll clean up."

"Thanks Darling," I reply giving him a lovely kiss on the cheek.

Well hormones were taking the better of me. I am pregnant with twins. I don't know one gender, but I know one is a boy, the other is unknown. I know one name is Uriah Jack Borden-Fleming. Such a long name. But, I already know I love him to bits.

My eyelids slowly closing, going into lovely darkness.

A/N:How was it? Am I updating fast enough? What kind of things would you like to see in this book? I do know what the Gender is, but I won't tell you. Though I am up to naming suggestions. 

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