Month 6

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It was a bit past noon. And I was watching Georgie do some trick riding, and giving her some tips. The babies liked coming here, the only thing is that we, (the babies and I) had to stay on the outside. Many things could go wrong in a trick riding lesson, that's why Lou went mentally insane for a while about Georgie's trick riding.

She was Roman Riding, she had lived Roman riding for about a year now. I saw her with the horses, her never-ending smile. She gave her all into this world. The world of horses. The world where she belonged.

I instrucktes her to keep her legs bent at the right angle, because it is important to do that, otherwise your stability and safety are at risk.

I put my one hand on my stomach. We have decided the names, the boy is Uriah Jackson Borden, Jackson because that is Grandpa's full name. Anyway we don't know the other gender yet, and I suspect we will only know it at the birth, but we have a boy and a girl name. The girl name is Harmony Louise Borden. Louise is after Lou, Lou has been a big part of my life so it just feels right. The second Boy name is Josiah Timothy Borden. Timothy is the name after my father, Tim who has also been a big part of my life ever since mom died.

"Okay, Georgie!" I yelled, " keep to the left and you should go easily over the jump."

Georgie had recently been obsessed with the idea of going over multiple jumps. When she slowed down she trotted on phionex over to me.

"How did I do?" She asked, "Any improvements? I have got to do well at the competition on Friday!"

She got off her horses and stood at the rail.

"You could definitely run it a few more times. But other than that,it's great," I replied, feeling something in my stomach I gasped. Well I guess I was so happy I just gasped," Georgie they're kicking for the first time ever!"

"What?" She replied, astonished, " They are actually kicking?!"

"Yeah!" I replied, " come and feel!"

Georgie jumped over the fence and walked to me, immediately placed her hand on my stomach. She felt the excitedness that I was experiencing. She then gave me a hug, not able to wrap her hands around me, I was so huge, but I was huge for a reason and I wasn't ashamed of my weight.

" Would you like to join me for a snack?" Georgie asked, tying up trouble and Pheonix.

"Yeah, a snack would be good," I answered, following her up to the house.

On the way, I thought about THE FIRST KICK EVER and how awesome it was and how lucky I am to have Georgie as a niece. I felt truly blessed with my life as I walked into the house.

A/N: How did you like? Two updates in two days, I am on a roll! Anyway, some people do those Question of the Day thing and I want to try it so.....

QOTD: What are your other tv/movies obsessions?

AOTD: I really like Avatar the last airbender, The Lunar chroncicles (I know they're books) and Harry Potter (at the moment).

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