Chapter Seventy-Five

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 So Karina and Manna will get to talk on wed, but first, a scene with Manna and Simar. I know a lot of you have been feeling the High Priestess has become rather cruel in her affect. Let's see the story from her pov again though. There are some unanswered questions that need addressing in this chapter as well. Just a warning...this chapter is LONG. I have cut and played with it, but it prob needs another trim at some point( would love your opinion on that). Hopefully tension will not make it feel long;-) Enjoy.



The door to the Elder Nita's home opened before Simar even had the chance to knock, Manna standing just off to the side, watching as she walked into the house.

"Welcome High Priestess Temdin," she said, her voice strong and sure. Startlingly so. That Manna had sensed their arrival should not have been surprising. The woman was immensely powerful and she had been expecting them. Still, there was something that had changed in her whole bearing since the assembly.

Since arriving in Gregorn Simar had noticed how weakened the Elder Nita had become. With the grief of Fiona's death, and the fear instilled by her incarceration, it was to be expected. But now Manna seemed to have somehow regained her strength to a degree Simar had not expected. Apparently the sentence passed by the Elder Council had done nothing to shake her in any way. Perhaps the women was embolden by the fact that she no longer had anything left to loose.

"Please take a seat," Manna said, extending her hand to welcome Simar inside. "I imagine you must be weary. This last week cannot have been easy on you I should imagine."

Simar nodded though she did not reply aloud. It seemed odd to accept any sympathy considering the trails Manna herself had endured. Moreover, her tone was distinctively cold.

"I thank you for coming to see me again," Manna said as Simar took her seat at the woman's table, effecting as much casual confidence as she could given the uncomfortable situation. Simar knew well that she had done everything she could to save the former Nita and was certain Manna must understand that as well, but she could not help but wonder how much resentment the woman might be harboring for the decidedly petty sentence that had been passed upon her.

"I realize you must wish to return to Sithrah as soon as possible," Manna continued.

Simar nodded again. "I do believe it is in the best interest of both girls," she answered. "The sooner Karina can be confirmed by the Initiate the better. The Council is still weary of the idea of giving the child rights to become our people's next leader. With full Initiate backing they will be less comfortable taking back their acceptance later."

"I agree." Manna said as she went to the stove to answer an already whistling kettle. "And it would be preferable for the girl to remain out of their reach in the meantime."

"As for Mina," Simar continued, "there is really nothing left for her here. She is well endowed with the gifts of the fae. I think she will do quite well in Sithrah. Perhaps one day she might even aspire to my own positions."

"Mina is a very talented young woman," Manna agreed as she came to join Simar at the table with two steaming mugs of tea. "I regret greatly the deception Fiona and I wrought upon her and do indeed believe she has the skills to one day become High Priestess, if that is what she so choses."

Simar nodded and sipped her tea.

"In fact I was hoping you might give Mina something for me?"

Simar watched as Manna set down a small sealed envelope in front of her. She eyed it wearily. Yet another favor the woman would expect her to perform without question?

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