Chapter Sixty-Seven

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The first thing she noticed was how tall the woman was. Or at least seemed to be. Simar Temdin was probably not much taller than Karina herself, but the priestess' aura made her appear much larger. Staring into her emerald green eyes, Karina was reminded of how she had always felt around Fiona. Like she was in the presence of some great force. But this woman's energy was entirely unfamiliar. Karina felt herself shrink back.

"Be careful," said the voice in her head. "Show deference but not weakness."

Karina bowed her head towards the woman but did not retreat any further.

The priestess stared, assessing. Karina could feel her eyes on the top of her head.

"You are Karina Amoral I presume?"

Karina hesitated. The priestess's words made no sense. Why did she mistakenly use the Nita's name with her own? She had asked for the same name when she had knocked as well...

"Answer her question," the faery said in her mind.

Karina straighten, looking into Simar's face but avoiding direct eye contact.

"I am Karina Sayers, charge of Elder Nita Manna Sayers," she answered, correcting her. "To what do I owe the great pleasure of your presence?"

"Do you know me?" The woman asked. Her voice was hard.

"We have not met before, your Grace, but I have heard much of you through my mentor and it is a great honor to make your acquaintance."

"And do you know why I come?"

Karina paused and waited to hear if any advice would be forthcoming. When there was only silence, she answered honestly.

"I am afraid I do not."

The priestess's eyes bore down on her still, but Karina stood her ground. Now that she had faced the woman fully she no longer so uncomfortable standing in Simar's power. As with Manna and Fiona, she still felt the presence of the priestess's strength, but it was not unbearable.

"May I come in?" Simar asked.

Karina was startled by the simplicity of her question. Keep calm, she reminded herself. I must remain calm. She took a deep breath.

"Forgive me, your Grace," Karina said. "Of course, please come in. I hope you can pardon the humbleness of our home. This cabin is usually reserved for harvest time and is not suited to entertaining guests."

Simar nodded, walking to the center of the room and taking in the cabin's interior. "May I ask why you came here?" she asked.

"Do not tell her that Caleb sent you!" Serifina's voice commanded urgently.

Simar looked at Karina suddenly or rather at the space around her, as if she had somehow sensed the other presence in the room. Karina stared innocently back.

"Manna asked me to come here for a few days," she replied. "She said we were low on burdock and hawthorn and wish for me to search for them in the forest." When Karina's next thought came and she heard no objection from her friend, she continued. "Manna also thought that some time in solitude would be good for my training."

"And what training is that?" Simar asked, her interest clearly peaked.

"I wish to someday join your honored Initiate, your Grace," she answered, bowing her head slightly in respect. "Manna believes I have potential."

"Is that what she has told you?" the priestess asked, her voice hard.

Karina nodded.

"And nothing else?"

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