Chapter Seventy

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So last chapter was short, this chapter is long. May have some redundancies still hiding out in there so if you spot any, let me know! :-) The High Priestess and the Council Leader chat...


It had been more than a year since Simar had found herself in the Great Meetinghouse of the Elder Council. She had never particularly relished dealing with the men who fancied themselves as the leaders of the Senmin people and it was her practice to have as little contact as possible with Avery Trenton and his councilmen. Still, there was a certain appeal to the Meetinghouse itself. A place of so much power. Power so different than that contained in Sithrah. The power to influence the Senmin throughout the Empire. To influence the Empire itself.

As she walked down the aisle, she could hear her footfalls echoing in the empty hall and, after a moment, Avery's following close behind. Without waiting for him to catch up, Simar walked to the raised dais at the head of the room and climbed the steps to the chairs set for the leaders of the Senmin to preside over Council meetings. She took the seat reserved for the Nita and patiently waited for the Council leader to take a seat opposite her.

"I see you have no difficulty making yourself comfortable here," Avery commented with a small scowl. "You sit in the chair of our leader, you presume to command my men as if you have right to do so."

"And why should I not?" Simar answered cooly. "Aside from the Nita, I am the highest ranking leader of the Senmin."

"Among the Initiate," Avery corrected. "But here in Gregorn, it is my word that is obeyed."

Simar could hear the bitterness in his voice. The childish assertion of his own power. She smiled slightly and bowed her head in contrition, assuaging his fragile ego.

 "Forgive me, Council Leader," she replied, "I meant no offense. But the matters at hand pertain directly to the Initiate do they not? While I fully respect your authority here over your Council, you have no choice but to hear my findings regarding the student of Manna Sayers."

"The bastard child of the Nita," he corrected. "And though the matter of choosing our next Nita is indeed a task within your purview as High Priestess of Sithrah, the betrayal perpetrated by Manna Sayers and Karina Amoral against the Elder Council is another matter entirely. The former Nita broke unbreakable vows sworn before myself and the Cainell Council, as did her student. They must now face the consequences. 

"I should think you would be eager to see justice served. Manna's actions have called to question the integrity of the Initiate as a whole after all. Your cooperation in these proceedings will, therefore, give you the chance to prove your loyalty remains to the Senmin people and our leadership. Indeed I thank you, Priestess, for returning the fugitive for sentencing."

Simar did her best to maintain a neutral expression as she held his gaze, fighting back her annoyance with Avery's unmasked arrogance in presuming his authority so high above her own.

"The Initiate had no knowledge of the Elder Nita's deception Council Leader," she replied. "I have no reason to defend myself or the women of Sithrah for crimes committed by another. As for my action in returning Karina Amoral to Gregorn and the Council's jurisdiction, perhaps you did not hear me a moment ago when I spoke to your men. I have granted the girl protection and found her innocent of all charges that have been laid against her. In fact, it is my ruling that Karina Amoral be set free as soon as possible."

"I heard your words, Priestess," Avery answered evenly, "and given her cooperation in submitting herself for judgment, I allowed the girl to be kept from prison until our ruling on her crimes is official."

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