Chapter Thirty-Six

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Hey there readers. So this is one of the last chapters that is entirely new to this draft of the story. It's Alex's pov. I felt like we hadn't heard from him in awhile and there were some bits of his story I really wanted to include to help understand his character and Alex's relationship with Fee from his perspective. More importantly, this chapter will give you an idea of where the rebellion stand at this point in the story... Hope you enjoy:-)


As the Capital came blurrily into view through the mist, Alex slowed his approach on the city gates. No need to act with unnecessary risk. He would take his time before attempting to gain entry through the great wall of Auresir.

 Alex had not returned to the Capital since the Vox Populi's most recent setback. While visits to Auresir had always carried great risk, in light of the current political climate, Alex deemed it wise to remain more cautious than usual and avoid the King's "golden city," remaining far from Henry Bastario's home.

But as the days continued to slip by, he grew uneasy with his isolation and the use of passing traveler's whispers to glean second-hand information on Henry's actions. Alex knew that if the rebellion was to survive, he had to ensure his contacts within the Capital remained viable and his secrets safe. In spite of the potential danger, he could stay away no longer.

Cecil Dirham's death was a set back he had not expected. Alex had come to terms with the fact the former High Chancellor was the best chance the Vox Populi had had of deposing Henry from his ill-earned throne and he had began to rely, almost excessively, on Dirham's reports and connections. Now, with no prospect to see within the palace walls, it was difficult not to feel a certain level of fear that he might never again gain such valuable intelligence. But perhaps worse than Dirham's demise was Henry's current campaign to root out all of the former High Chancellor's contacts.

The King seemed to be insatiable in his quest for blood. Not content to remove Dirham's closet allies from court, Henry had begun to employ a secret network of his elite soldiers, lead by the new Chancellor Dresden Rearder, to investigate and arrest any citizens of questionable loyalties. Rearder was one of the most frightening political figures in Erestia, so famed for his network of intelligence, it was said that the man had long ago sold his soul to demons in exchange for his remarkable ability to know of every hidden secret throughout the Empire.

As more and more supposed traitors to the Crown were arrested, tried, and executed, even the most radical of Alex's supporters became wary of meeting with him or even exchanging correspondence. The nobility was under attack and no one wished to be the next to find themselves in the executioner's grasp. Messages he attempted to send his more elite allies had been met with increasing silence. But Alex was not willing to accept defeat so easily.

Maintaining a good distance, Alex surveyed the gates through the gray mix of sleet falling all around him. The rain had started early that morning, and his woolen cloak was already thoroughly soaked, hanging heavy on his shoulders. Not the most promising start to the day, nor his mission. Pulling off his sodden gloves he rubbed his hands together to gain back feeling in the tips of his fingers. White steam hung momentarily in the air as he blowing hot breath upon them to help in the effort.

He could see the line of citizens waiting inspection by the guard was shorter than usual. No doubt the weather motivated many to remain indoors. Inauspicious condition for approach. Without throngs of people demanding to be let through, the guards were more likely to ask questions, more likely to meticulously inspect  the eyes and faces of any traveler attempting to gain admission. It was a risk Alex could not afford to take. He would just have to use his own secret entrance to gain access to the city.

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