Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hello readers! This next chapter is a bit experimental for me. I have been looking to add this scene to the book for awhile but had previously found it difficult to get it right. Not sure its quite there yet, but I hope it at least serves its purpose. Essentially it is a pretty big turning point for two of the mcs. This chapter is a bit different from most others so far as it features...dueling POVs!

That's right, it will be from both Henry and Fiona's view point. The technique has been used on one previous chapter( Manna and Karina in chapter 19) and will be done again, but typically I do not switch povs within a chapter in such short segments. Would love to hear if the style works for you:-)



As the musicians struck up a jaunty tune Fiona watched the people around her take to the dance floor, trying to keep herself positioned along the edge of the great hall. Fiona could not help but feel distinctly uncomfortable amongst the members of the King's court, and had done her best so far to remain inconspicuous, staying to the outskirts of the festivities, acting as an observer while nursing her cup of wine. She had no intention of remaining longer than necessary, seeking only to make her attendance known before making a hasty retreat to the chambers that had been granted to her for the night.

She had been forced to leave her staff with her other belongings and was anxious without it. Ever since the subject had been broached between them, Fiona could not help wonder how much Henry might know about magik. It was certainly possible he had learned enough to suspect she was weakened without the object in her hands. Though he was unlikely to act against her in the presence of so many people, it was still a disconcerting thought.

While Fiona acknowledged Henry had shown nothing but cordiality since their first interaction she was still certain he was intent on using her. Bearing that knowledge while pretending to be as ignorant as the councilmen who insisted she ingratiate herself to the pompous ruler, was infuriating. If only there was a way to strike first before Henry could reveal the treachery she was certain lurked just beneath the surface of his oily smile.

In her inability to shake her distinct distrust of Henry Bastario, Fiona questioned if she had made the wrong decision by abandoning Alex's cause. With the Vox Populi's greatest ally dead, and Henry's position on the throne of the Empire more securely established, Fiona was forced to wonder if she would now find herself unable to refuse any demand he would make of her. Of course it would have been disastrous if her name had ever been associated with the former High Chancellor Dirham, but as she watched the smiling faces of the Empire's new elite, she thought of how Alex would rage to see Henry's allies so enjoying themselves. How disgusted he would be to see the King sitting so contentedly in his place on high, and how much she ultimately shared in the rebel leader's sentiment.


 Henry's eyes remained wide open as he sipped from his cup, surveying the scene from the balcony overlooking the festivities bellow. From a disenfranchised prince sent to military slaughter, to a king surrounded by those of true loyalty, the speed with which he was able to accomplish his goals had surpassed even his own high hopes.

Cecil's insistence of maintaining friendly relations with his father's former allies was no longer a nuisance he was forced to concern himself with. His former High Chancellor's betrayal had, in the end, proved useful, justifying a more aggressive change over of those in power. Moreover, without Cecil's incessant demands that he repay his father's military debts, Henry had now gained freedom to address what concerns he saw fit to address with the money confiscated from those who had been proven disloyal.

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