Chapter Fifty-Four

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Ok here comes another shorter chapter. I split it for wattpad. The second half will be posted on Wednesday and then a third chapter on Friday. In general that will likely be the posting schedule until the book is fully posted. To all those who have gotten to this point of the book, THANK YOU! Im so glad you are still following along. I know it has taken me awhile to post this much so I appreciate your patience. Hope the more frequent updates will make up for it. ;-)



By the time he arrived at Salam palace Teren could no longer think clearly. He had ridden at the fastest clip his horse could muster, ignoring the angry shouts of people in the streets as he came inches from running them down in his haste. As he dismounted and handed the reins to the stable boy that came to greet him Teren could feel the poor animal's exhaustion, its flank heaving, dark with sweat.

In his mind, Teren saw his wife's frightened face cowering from the anger she had not understood. He saw Chancellor Rearder, looming, threatening everything he loved. The man had been at his home, referencing his forced period of rest. He saw Seleb, broken, in a dark cell alone, awaiting a punishment that he had done nothing to earn. The only coherent thought that held him together was that of the King.

Teren was still certain Henry had not yet turned from him. Had he done so, Teren would already be in irons. This stunt from the High Chancellor was merely meant to intimidate him. It had to be. He would not further Rearder's potential "proof" that he was disloyal by running away. If he could only speak with Henry, Teren knew he could explain himself.

 The King had been gruff the previous evening perhaps, but there were extenuating circumstances. They had been in public. Teren realized now how foolish he had been to let his emotions get the better of him. Henry was, after all, the ruler of Erestia. He should never have questioned his friend's authority in the presence of others. He should have been more tactful, he should have...

No, he chastised his own mind. Such thinking would get him nowhere now. What should have been done was irrelevant. All that mattered now was gaining an audience with the King before Teren lost further control of the situation and Dresden Reader had the chance to fully poison Henry's thoughts against him.

Teren walked with purpose up the grand stairway into the main entrance of the palace, ignoring the solutes from the retinue of palace guards, going straight to the main receiving hall where he was greeted by Henry's chamberlain.

"Commissioner General Mather," the man said with a slight bow. "We were not expecting you here today."

"Joseph," Teren said authoritatively. "I wish an audience with the King." Before the Chamberlain could reply Teren saw Mathew, a high-ranking commandant in Henry's private reserves, enter the hall and walk towards them. The man was a well-known lackey to Dresden Rearder.

Damn it, Teren thought to himself. He had hoped to reach the King before the Chancellor was made aware.

"Welcome, Commissioner General Mather," Mathew said amiably, "What can I do for you?"

Teren could see the chamberlain's unease as Mathew stepped between them and he could not help but feel a certain sinking in his stomach to see one of Dresden's allies waiting at the ready for his arrival. It was certainly not a good sign. Still, Teren refused to show any semblance of fear or hesitation.

"I was just telling Joseph that I am here to request an audience with his royal Majesty," Teren said evenly.

"I am sorry, Lord Mather," Mathew said, the touch of a smug grin visible on his face. "His Majesty is indisposed at the moment," Teren saw Joseph look down to the ground, clearly deferring to the higher-ranking man. But Teren knew he could not lose his resolve. There was too much at stake.

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