Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hello readers. Hope everyone had a lovely week. This week's chapter will be Fiona's pov and see her reach out to a character we have yet to watch her interact with...As this week included a holiday ( hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!), I have had a bit less time to edit this chapter than others so if its a bit rougher, thats why. As with all chapters in this draft I am posting, it is subject to revision;-). Enjoy!


Fiona was surprised by the level of trepidation she felt approaching Caleb's home. She had spent so much of her childhood training there after all. But that had been so long ago now. It felt odd to be returning, as if coming here now was somehow taboo. As if her new relationship with the man who lived at atop the hill just outside of Gregorn, might somehow void the memories of their past friendship.

 Fiona still remembered the day she had made the trek to her teacher's home only to find a strange woman in the house in his stead. Caleb had left, she was told. Moved away without a word. His sister had been charged to take care of the house in his absence. Fiona had run home to Manna as fast as she could. 

"Caleb is gone!" she panted as she burst through the door.

Manna had merely looked back at her, face set in a rigid mask of indifference, without an ounce of emotion.

"I know," she said.

"You know?" Fiona had asked, incredulous. The questions flying through her mind. "Where did he go? What happened?" It hadn't made any sense. How could he just leave?

"He returned to Frenwick, I believe," Manna answered, turning away to busy herself with one thing or another.

Fiona had stood there, staring at her teacher's back in shock. Did she not even care?

"Manna, how could he just."

Fiona's question was cut short as Manna turned back toward her, eyes narrowed, mouth in a tight scowl. "He is gone," she said sharply. "He isn't coming back and I don't want to hear another word about it."

It had taken months for Fiona to truly believe it. She had snuck back to the abandoned cottage at least three more times before the truth finally sunk in. He had left them. She remembered realizing how strange it had been, mourning his absence. There had been a time when Fiona had hated the sword master. His hard manner and brutal training had nearly broken her. But over the years Fiona had grudgingly learned to respect him. As her skill improved so did their relationship. In spite of her frustration with his harsh critique, earning favor in Caleb's eyes filled her with pride. Fiona had learned to appreciate how much he had to offer her. She'd come to see him as a friend. And then he had just disappeared.

Over time, Fiona had learned to forget her former teacher. To look upon his memory with fondness, to make peace with the fact that she might never see the man again. And when he had returned...She hadn't known where to begin. What did one say to a man who had disappeared for over fifteen years?

He was around back when she arrived, sharpening a blade on the grindstone, but looked up immediately when he heard her approach.


The look of surprise was clearly plastered across his face as he set aside his work, but he quickly recovered with a shake of his head.

"Forgive me," he said, trying to erase the shock seeing her had caused. "Nita Amoral, to what do I owe the pleasure."

Fiona looked down for a moment, discomforted by the degree of deference he offered. "I have come to speak with you, Mr. Blackwell."

Caleb nodded. "I gotta be honest, Manna told me you might come here but I didn't really believe it. It's been nearly two years since I moved back after all."

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