new book

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Hey wonderful people of planet Earth! 
I wanted to say that I am starting a new book, it isn't a second book to the series not that I don't want to. But this book is about mythical creatures and all that jazz XD

The book is called Beautiful Hell, here's the description: 

Though the mythical work may seem fake, unrealistic to humans it is 100% real.Jack is a troubled teen with many tattoos and who smokes. He can and will get his own way with the help of his best friend Jake.
 Luna is a mythical being she looks human but everything about her seems dead, broken and most of all shattered. She wears all white, her pale blue eyes are almost white and they hold no intention to have a spark reignite her. Her pale blonde hair whips in the cool wind as her deathly pale skin looks like its going to flutter away in the strong winds.

 Luna is the one who can balance both world by waking up in time by a full moon, if she wakes up before a full moon both worlds will collide. But she can only wake up if she smells or hears her soulmate. When that day does come all hell will break loose causing conntastrophe on both worlds.

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