6-1 for us

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I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. I turned it off and shook the all the nightmares from last night away. I walked to the bathroom, took a shower, dried my hair, brushed it out, brushed my teeth and went into my closet. I took my bag off the rack and stuffed black yoga pants and a black with a strips of hot pink sports bra in it. 

I put on grey sweats with a black sweatshirt and I threw on my slick black hightop shoes. I kinda look like a guy but hey being a Marine does things to you. I grab my bag and head out the door. I start out to a light jog then went to a full out run. My bag wasn't slowing me down at all, in the marines we had to run with pounds and pounds on your back and you had to run miles and miles. In the end many people threw up and some passed out, I was only fifteen and I didn't do any of that, they were maybe, nineteen. I started way too early but my dad forced me too join.

Before I knew it I was in the hallways of school. I walked to my locker and did the combination and plopped my things in the destroyed locker. I got a tap on the shoulder, I turned around to see a girl younger than me with a sickening look on her face. She wore almost no clothing at all, a crop top which was way too high, and short shorts which could make it as a bottom of a bikini.

"Yes? What do you want?" I asked her impatiently 

"I want you to stay away from Phoenix I'm his girlfriend and you are trying to steal him from me." Soon a crowd formed around us.

"Well I wouldn't want to mess with his toy now would I?" I asked with a smirk she looked taken back then recovered.

"Well he was at your house last night." 

"Yea as friends, something you will never know." 

"I have friends!" 

"Yea, I can't wait for that day to come."  The crowd was starring at me with wonder

"But don't worry I'll stay away form your toy." I said with a little hurt. 


I started to snicker 'cause she just said that Phoenix was her toy.

I walked away from the crowd and tried to get to my next class but Phoenix got to me first. I looked at him with disgust. 

"Don't listen to her." He said with hurt clearly in his voice, I shook my head and pried my arm out of his grip. 

"I'm still going to help the boys but stay away from me." I said and walked into my classroom. I can't believe I actually started to like someone. I sat at the back and looked out the window, classes were outside playing football, soccer, and many other sports. I wanted to be out there with them but I'm stuck in this classroom. 

The bell rang and I zoomed out of the class, I went to my locker, got my things for the destined class and walked off. I went to the gym, and went straight to the changing rooms and changed. I walked out with my navy blue gym shorts and my black tank-top. I had my hair in a high pony tail, which takes me forever to do. All the boys look at me with hateful looks, but I wipe it off. 

I walked to the gym teacher and asked what were going to do.

"Soccer." Yes! 

I nodded and we walked outside to the field. I was made captain of one team and then a guy was made captain for the other team. I picked a mix of girls who played good and guys who played good. We ended up to start with the ball. I passed the ball to the guy on my right and he passed it to whoever was in the middle. He kicked hard and it went flying to the other side. I head butted to the guy on my left he got it and passed it to me, I kicked it and scored. 

Some people high fived me and others just glared. The other team started. Once they kicked the ball I ran and intercepted it, I ran in front of the net, but didn't score I passed it to the guy to my right and he scored. I was walking back to my side when someone hit my shoulder, I guess they tried to knock me off balance but failed. I looked up and saw a guy I don't know. 

Once a marine, always a marineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें