Smug face

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I took a ragged breath and started at the begging.

"Ok well I need to tell you a few things about me first, well...wait how do I know I can trust you?" I questioned, he looked exasperated.

"You don't know if you can trust me but, personally I wouldn't trust me." He said fast and under his breath.

"Oh, well then I won't tell you!" I said. I rolled over on my stomach and started to do pushups. Some people have problems doing pushups but I learned some tricks how to make them easier. I felt his stare boring through my back. 

"You do know you can choose equipment and start training or do whatever you do." I said teasingly 

He nodded and went to the treadmill. He turned it on and started to run on it. I walked over to the mini-fridge and grabbed two water bottles. I walked over to him, I put one water bottle in the water bottle holder. He smiled at me and I nodded in return.

"I was thinking that we could call a meeting for the fighting class, you can introduce yourself and maybe start a class." Phoenix suggested. 

"Yea sure sounds great!" I said excitedly. 

"Do we have school tomorrow?" Phoenix asked nonchalantly 

"Uh..Duh! Today was only..." I forgot which day it was so I ran over to my phone over by the mini-fridge I picked it up and turned it on so I can see the time, date, and my one and only background picture. 

"It's Wednesday." I state. I heard him stop running, turned off the machine and walk towards me.

"Only Wednesday!?" He whined I laughed at his childish acts. I put down my phone and walk away from him and to the door to exit. 

"Aren't you gonna grab your phone?" Phoenix asked shocked while walking up to me. I shook my head and we walked down the hallway which lead to the kitchen. 

"Wow your like the first person who isn't so connected to their phone."  

"Yea, I mean like I have things I'm addicted to like a drug." I said, my weapons are my drugs. I carry them everywhere. My dad showed me how to properly use them.

"Oh. What are they?" Phoenix asked

"If I tell you then I'm nowhere near safe." I said truthfully

We walked into the kitchen, I went straight to the fridge and grabbed some fruit. I threw and apple his way which he caught at the last minute. He looked up at me surprised then bite down in the apple. I did the same with mine, the juice from the apple went down my chin. I couldn't wipe it off with the apple in my hand so I put it down on the kitchen island and wiped the juice off my chin.

"Is it hard having only one arm?" Phoenix spoke up looking nervous.

"Well, at first it was really hard to keep up with everyone, but later on I was fine, it was like I was born like this." I said 

"Yea, I guess sorry for the weird question." 

"Nah it's ok." I said walking over to him patting him on the back.

Then I heard glass break. I heard heavy footsteps, I ran over to my drawer opened it and took out three knives and fudged them in my belt I took out my gun and held it tightly. I gave phoenix a knife. He was still shocked, the footsteps were getting closer by the second, I don't know who this is, or what they want but I bet it won't be good.

"Stay here and defend yourself." I whispered in his ear, he nodded subconsciously. I walked to the entrance of the workout room. I saw a tall big well built man. He was bald he had tattoos snaking up his arms and it seemed it went up to his neck. He was rummaging around and pushing things over.

"What do you thing your doing?" I asked with authority in my voice he spun around fast and swiftly. He had an evil smirk plastered on his smug face. He had beady blue eyes, a big nose and a small mouth in a small thin line.

"Hello Nora." He said my name, how does he know my name!?

"Hello Smug Face, I would like to ask what are you doing here?" I asked sassily, I was smiling internally, but my face showed no emotion. The man walked closer to me, almost like he wanted to lour me in.

"Well, we wanted to find something very special to us, but seeing that you are here and that the thing isn't here we will be leaving." 

"What do you mean we?"

"There are other of us, but we gotta fly." He said while running over to the broken window. I started shooting at him, but he jumped out of the window before a bullet could actually hit him. I ran over to the window, I couldn't see his body anywhere, or him. I heard smashing coming from the kitchen.


I ran into the kitchen to see him wrestling another one of those thugs. There was blood dripping down the mans arm, from I'm guessing the knife that I gave Phoenix. Phoenix was winning the little wrestling match, but he's getting tired very fast. I took my gun out and steadied it, ready to shoot the thug. I cocked the gun, aimed, and I shot. The noise rang out in the kitchen, both of them stopped moving.

Phoenix pushed the man off him and got up, he looked around and locked eyes with me. My hands were shaking, I can't believe I shot him. I promised to never shoot anyone.  He shouldn't be dead, not where I shot him in his stomach. 

"Wha-What just happened?" Phoenix asks suddenly, I look up at him, he was shaking too.

"I-I shot him. People were trying to find something, but I don't have it. An-and he was on you and you were loosing." I know I'm a marine but this, this is different. 

"Will they be coming back?" He asks 

"No, not that I know of."

"Why do you have weapons? And how come your so good at using them?" 

I can't answer that. I need to change the topic.

"What about those classes for the boys?" I asked for the fighting class

"Yea, we can do that tomorrow?" He asked

I nodded my head and I instantly started to plan the class. 

"I better get going." Phoenix said, I nodded he walked out of the kitchen and out of the front door to his car. I walked to the workout room, what the heck just happened? I looked at all the broken glass, there was some blood but not much.

I walked back into the kitchen and saw that the thug that I shot wasn't there anymore. Where could he have gone? There were no blood stains anywhere. I started to get tired so I headed up to bed. I opened my bedroom door the walls were all white, the bed had black bedding and white pillows, I had a black desk pushed to the far wall it had my Mac on it with pens and paper scattered everywhere. I had black shelves which held the hundreds and hundreds of books on it. 

I plopped myself on my bed not even bothering to change into my pyjama's. I needed rest for school and practice. I know that I'm going to have nerve wrecking, horrible, nightmares from Afghanistan,  Iraq, worst thing to ever happen to me. I reluctantly fell asleep, I let the pitch black envelope me in a deathly hold.

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