The goons want my blood

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Phoenix's POV

I pushed my way through the halls to Nora's locker. I found her talking and laughing with a guy who isn't me, for some reason I felt a pang in my chest. I made my face void of any emotion and stopped right in front of her. She topped talking with the guy and looked at me annoyed. 

"I'll see you late Cole?" Nora asked him, so his name is Cole.
"Of course you will! I got to go now see you late Nora!" He said while running down the hall she kept on looking in the direction where he ran off when you can't see him anymore.

"I need to talk to you, it's something very important." I said 
"Mhmm, as long as I'm not involved I don't need to know." 
She started to walk away to her first class but I grabbed her elbow and pulled her into my chest. Her breath hitched in her throat, I smirked at myself knowing that I have an affect on her. 
"But darling it does involve you." I said in her ear, she freezes in spot, then out of the blue her elbow connected with my stomach. I crouched down clutching my stomach and let out a quiet 'oof.'

"Meet me outside on the bench." she said before walking off, I could only hear her combat boots thumping on the floor. I got up from my crouching position and walked outside, I saw her sitting on a bench eating a green apple. I walked over and sat in front of her.
"I didn't know you would skip classes!" I said a little too cheerily.
"Cut to the chase Phoenix." She said harshly. I dug my phone out and went through the pictures. I found the right one and slid my phone in front of her. The colour drained from her face when she laid eyes on my phone. She looked up a me with anger clearly in her eyes.

"Where did you find this?" She said trying to ask smoothly, I shrugged my shoulders for a response. 
"Where did you find this!" She yelled standing up and slamming her fist on the table. I jumped back falling on my butt in the grass. I looked up at her, her eyes were closed she was sucking in deep breaths, with her fists clenching at her side. 

"O-on the internet." I said. 
"What website?" She asked calmly 
"F-facebook." I said, I can't believe she is scaring me!
"Dammit!" She yelled furry blazing through her eyes
"Thank you Phoenix, that was me when I lost my left arm, I-I was in an accident. I hope I didn't scare you at all or anything." She said while walking over to me and helping me off the ground. I nodded subconsciously. She laughed and slapped me on my back, we started to walk back to the school.

"When are you going to tell me what happened to you?" I asked her nervously she looked at me with a sad smile. She looked down at her feet then back up at me.
"I'll tell you when the time is right." She said before tugging me into the class with her. Everyone turned to look at us, the teacher looked at us from under her glasses.
"Where we you two?" The teacher asked  
"They were frolicking in the field of daisies with butterflies and unicorns!" Cole yelled from the back of the class, everyone burst out laughing and so did Nora. I felt a pang in my chest, again. She went to the back of the classroom, I couldn't get my mind off the picture, she looked so ghostly, so dead. She looked beaten up pretty bad, was she horribly abused? 
What's her secret?
I need to know more about Nora Blood.

Nora's POV 

I can't believe my mom didn't delete my Facebook profile, she said she would. I need to call her soon, and knowing Phoenix he will not drop it. He will keep on bugging me. I walked out of the classroom at super speed, and went straight to my locker. I stuffed my books in my locker, grabbed my gym bag and sped off to class. I opened the gym doors and saw he teacher in the middle talking with students I walked into the changing room and heard girls gossiping, I don't get how girls do this stuff. I heard many snickers then a girls walked around the corner, she had blood red hair with pale skin, and her eyelashes were super long.

She stopped in front of me and gave me a sad smile. 
"I am so so so sorry." With that she walked off I didn't get a chance to ask for her name or what was happening. I got changed super quick and walked out into the gym to see everyone starring at me, including the boys.

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