I'm a marine

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"Run ten laps!" I yelled at the boys that I was going to help train. I heard many grunts and many pleads not to run. 

"The more you wait the more you push the class longer." I yelled and added

"I will be running too!" They all perked up and started to walk to the starting line of the track.

"All the guys want to race you, you up of the task?" Phoenix asked me sounding like a little kid on Christmas. I nodded my head with a grin spreading across my face. I made my way over to the starting line. The guys were peeling their shirts off leaving them only in their shorts and shoes. Phoenix walked over to me, I didn't dare lower my eyes. Not ever. He smirked and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you scared that your going to get smushed?" He asked his grin getting wider. I chuckled, oh how this kid is funny!

"Ha! Nope!" I said while popping the 'p.' I walked away from him and settling my phone on the ground. I connected my phone to the speaker so we could hear the alarm loud and clear. 

"When you hear the siren, you start!" I announced to the boys. I saw the line of bobbing heads from the guys. I soon heard the siren and the guys took off in a full sprint, amateurs. I was pacing myself, which was still pretty fast. 

A minute later most of the guys were panting and slowing down a lot. I was still perfectly fine, I past half of the guys and winked as I past them. When I was right beside Phoenix I smiled triumphantly and past him. There was about eight laps left and I was in second place. When we got onto the last lap which was the tenth, there was still someone in front of me. When we were nearing the end of the last lap, the guy was giving up or just slowing down thinking that he would win, I pushed and finished the tenth lap.

I walked over to my water bottle and chugged down the water, I took my rag and whipped the sweat off my forehead. The guys soon came and plopped themselves down and chugged down their water. Phoenix walked up beside me with beads of sweat trickling down his face. Phoenix's caramel hair was spiked up from his sweat, his grey eyes were twinkling with happiness. His cheekbones were perfect along with his jawline. He had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Wow, your good, but next time could we do less laps!?" He whined like a little baby. I chuckled and plastered a fake smile on my face.

"In you wildest dreams." 

"OK boys go back to the gym! You five get the the mats out and place enough for all of us to surround the middle because we will be fighting!" I announced while pointing to five guys. They all nodded, they grabbed their stuff and ran into the gym of the school. 

"The rest of you do some jumping jacks!" They all groaned but got to work. Most did proper jumping jacks but some were slaking off. 

"Go back into the gym!" I commanded, they all nodded gathered their stuff and left. Phoenix stayed beside me and we talked.

"Please tell me you didn't listen to Cara?" He asked me I was confused. Who is Cara?

"Who's that?" I asked 

"Um..My ex?" He said it more like a question. Then it clicked, the dumb brunette!
"Can't we just drop it? I don't want to talk about it!" I said 
"I know you like me Blood! I will make you mine!" He yelled at me as I jogged back to the gym, I smirked to myself knowing that the fighting is going to start and I'm picking who goes against who.

"Hurry up Phoenix! You want to fight me again!?" I yelled over my shoulder, I heard his heavy footsteps coming fast. I looked in the gym and saw that the mats were placed perfectly in a perfect square and big enough for fighting and a crowd around the fighters.

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