Part 35 - I'm so sorry

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Hello Lovelies,

Yesterday was the 7 month anniversary of creating the 'WriteTillWeDie' account.

And its also been about 3 months since i've updated this fic and I think you need an explanation.

Now, I don't want to go crying on about my 'personal life' and all that jazz but I want to clarify that I don't feel the same amount of passion when writing about Jenny and her terrible world as I did when I first started writing this story.

Yes, this is the end.

This has been a journey for me and hopefully you as well. 

This story has gotten over 2k reads and 185 votes at this moment and thats insane!

Thank you so much. It's been an honour to produce this content and have so many people enjoy it.

This also means I probably might not be writing any Rhett and Link based stories on this account again. I will be occasionally writing other stuff here and there so look forward for that. I'll be posting this really crappy Phan one-shot in a bit, have fun with that.

Over the space of 3 months? A lot has happened. 

I've fallen in love with P!ATD, MCR and 21P (Help me). I've started the 9th grade and will be starting a Youtube once I turn 14 in April, yay!

I've also made many new friends which is so fantastic and I also hope your doing good also.

So, a question, as per usual... 

How have you been?

Be honest please, I would love to know!

Just also remember, no matter how your feeling right now, pain is temporary and cherish this one precious life you have been given. 

Love you <3


Hindi Marie (WriteTillWeDie) : D

Before I knew you: A Rhett and Link FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now