Part 21 - Good Mythical Morning

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I roll over to the sound of my alarm clock blasting in my ear. I sigh and pick up my phone, turning to noise off. I see some messages that Dylan and Bella left me last night, asking if I was alright, with which I responded with 'I'm fine'. Of course I wasn't okay, the love/s of my life are out there and they never will find me. I wish I could just go to work or leave the house and stumble upon them, felling their kindness and generosity again.

I get out of bed and prepare myself for the day, getting ready to go to university again. The trip to school was exhausting as always but once I got there, I walked into Mr. Welsh greeting me with his signature smile.

"Ahh, Jennifer, did my email help you last night?" He said, walking over to my desk, his tall body leaning over my table. He was quite old and also needed glasses.

"Yes, a lot..." I almost said sarcastically. What I wanted to say was Yes sir, it really did help and I've just found my long lost saviours from 16 years ago, but of course I never did.

"So you know who your presenting on?"

I hadn't actually thought about that yet, but I guess I blurted it out before I could realise I was saying it.

"Rhett and Link"

"Oh, I'm quite a fan of them, my family watches their Good Mythical Morning show every day at breakfast!" He says whilst straightening himself up.

I nod my head in agreement and look at my books that were on my desk. He gets the idea and leaves me be, to struggle in the own regrets of what has become my entire existence. This is just going to be great....

"Good Mythical Morning!" He introduced the class, making a few fangirls/boys look up at the teacher excitedly.

This is going to be sooo great...

Hello Lovelies! I am planning to upload again tomorrow so I hope you forgive me for this tiny chapter, it's kind of a filler because next chapter is a big one, yay!

I've been working on my new story and have written over 7000 words now, but I'm really excited about it since it means I get to do a lot more research (which I love to do). My new story is set in WWII and it's a Rhink story. Since it's set in such a time period, I'm kind of tearing myself apart because I'm having to make sure every single detail is perfect and historically correct. It's my habit. I also have included some of my favourite character from the books by Morris Gleitzman, Once, Then, Now and After. Here is a sneak peak,


Link comes flying around the corner, coming to a sudden stop as he sees the unexpected visitor standing on their 'welcome' door mat.

"Greetings gentlemen, I hope I did not disturb you" The message boy says.

"Not at all!" Link replied with a cherrie smile, leaning against the frame as Rhett held the door open.

"I bring important news for all" the young man continues, "the chancellor of the National Socialists party has been voted as president for Germany and has set a new order called 'the final solution',"

After a moment of awkward silence, he then says, "our new leader, Adolf Hitler, states that if you see anyone who is Jewish, Gypsy, Homosexual, black, does not obey orders, or is housing any of these people, they must be reported immediately to higher authority. If they successfully capture the criminals, the reporters will be rewarded..."

At that instant, the world around them became dead silent. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife and probably spread it on some bread, if you so desired.

"What do you mean by 'criminals'?" Rhett asked cautiously, looking at his partner.


Question: What was the last song you listened to?
I am currently listening to Bill Gates Vs Steve Jobs - my favourite Epic Rap Battle Of History!


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