Part 24 - Get your hands off of me!

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The duo and I leave and exit the room, signing off some paper work at the front counter and placing their belongings in the boot of their rental car. They had temporarily purchased a light blue Holden Commador, so it had a lot of storage. We packed away the rest of the camera gear before getting in, Rhett being in the drivers seat and Link in the back as I sat in the front, trying to be a gentleman of course. I turn to my head to the right, observing Rhett and his look of concentration as he puts the keys in the ignition. That's when I remember that in America, they sit on the other side of the car and drive on the other side of the road.

"Do you want me to drive? It might be safer since I'm used to the roads and all" I ask shyly, looking at the taller man.

"Nah, it should be alright, I got us here in the first place and I know the directions to where we are planning to eat"

"Okay then. Where are we going anyway?"

"It's a surprise" he says, looking at me with a smirk whilst pulling out of the car park.

He carefully navigates the roads, making his way down the foreign streets. I make some conversation with Link for a while, until I start to get worried about how long it's taking us to arrive. I look out the window and see us pulling up into NorthLakes. If you know anything about this suburb, you know that it is filled you round-a-bouts and there isn't one road that probably doesn't have one. Rhett slowly becomes anxious as I do, him trying to go around one of those things in a different country? It's impossible...

"Rhett..." I say as we approach to the first one.

He looks deeply at the road and turns the vehicle, swiftly going around the small circle. He keeps driving silently as he goes through another... Another... And Another... That was until,

"RHEEETTTTTT!" I scream as I see another car coming flying around the corner.

His quick instincts kick in when we he slams on the brakes. He holds onto the steering wheel with his right hand as the other one extends to my side of the car, sheltering me from going forward. His arm reaches out to my chest level when his hand grabs my breasts by accident. Making me scream again in pain and surprise.

"Jesus flipping Christ!" I say, batting his protective arm away from my body.

Link doesn't say anything, and neither does Rhett as the car is filled with panting from the sudden rush of adrenaline. The car in front of us also thankfully stopped before it hit us and proceeded to drive off, leaving me and the two guys in a panicked state.

"Well..." I say awkwardly as my checks start to burn.

I wasn't a busty girl but at the same time, I wasn't flat chested, making my chest sore at Rhett's previous tight grip. I fold my arms embarrassingly and stare at the driver, who still hadn't looked down from the road. I grunted loudly, gaining his attention. Rhett looks at me, confused, until realisation sets in on what he had happened in the sudden moment.

"Oh Jennifer, my goodness, I didn't mean to touch your-"

"It's okay, it was an accident" I quickly blurt out, cutting off the rest of his sentence.

He nods his head and continues driving until we eventually reach The Mango Hill Tavern.

He puts the car into park and stop the engine, letting out a sigh of relief. Both Rhett and I hop out of the vehicle, but I notice Link is still sitting in the back seat. I open the car door and playfully tug on his arm, dragging him out of the car.

"Cmon Link! We gotta go!" I whine like a smile child and giggle, putting a smile on his face.

"Okay then Jenny" he says as we walk through the front door, arm in arm. We skip down to the front table while Rhett follows behind us, also with a wide grin on his face.

"Hi, could we get a table for three?' I ask the lady at the front counter.

She doesn't look up from her booklet but shows us the way to our seats when me and Link let go. We sit down and get comfortable. It had been quite late so we ordered some dinner, dessert and talked the entire time about all that we've missed in the past 16 years, gaining a few laughs around the table. That was until the subject slowly turned to Dylan.

"So what is the thing with you and Dylan?" Link says, adjusting his glasses that had slowly slid down his face from laughing.

"Oh, he has been my friend for 15 years now but he kinda told me something and I lashed out, I regret it almost as much as when I left you two..."

"What did he tell you?" He asks cautiously.

"H-h-he said that he loved me" I stutter as I look down at the wooden table.

"Oh..." Is all that he managed to get out, until Rhett joined in on the conversation.

"And what did you say to that?"

"I said that my heart belonged to someone else, that I didn't love him back"

"Who?" They both said in unison.

I could see it in their eyes. They stared at me, waiting intently for me to answer the question that had been chewing them up for years now. I couldn't break it to them, I can't seem to choose anything in life and this was no exception. I didn't know who I loved the most,

Rhett or Link?

Hello lovelies! I have good news! Yaaaaaaaay!

So, recently this book has reached 1000 reads, holy dooley... That's amazing!
Also tomorrow I'm getting a MacBook Air so I'm going to be able to write more, so that's also amazing!

I thank you all so much, every one of you that comment, vote, or even read my stories is like a friend to me, and I hope it stays that way.

Question: What is your favourite (published) book?
Mine has to be either My Life As An Alphabet by Barry Jonsberg (I actually almost got to meet him at The University of Sunshine Coast for 'Writers On the Coast' on a English excursion) or Then by Morris Gleitzman.


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