Part 28 - Making my decision

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Oh No...

For the rest of the night, I ignored his words and pretended to sleep. Shorty after, waking up to the smell of a delicious breakfast. I lazily roll over and see that Rhett had left my side, but my dog still left shaking at my feet. I fumble out of bed and see myself in the mirror, my hair being a tangled mess on my head, oh well...

"Good Morning!" Link greets me as I stumble into the kitchen.

"Good mythical morning..." I replied, I'm not too much of a morning person so I can be quite grumpy when I wake up early.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" Link said as the cracked some eggs into a heated fry pan and flipped the bacon.

"I didn't get to sleep much but yeah, uh, where's Rhett?"

"He's gone out to the shops but he'll be back soon"

"Okay..." A moment of silence washes over us before he quickly turns to me, making me jump in surprise.

"Jenny, we need to talk," He said sternly as he took a step towards me.


"Yesterday afternoon"

"Oh, um, I'm not su-" He rushes up to me and crouches to my level (the struggle of being short) and gently holds both my hands.

"I don't want to ruin anything but you know that I care about you"

"I care about you too" I started to smell the eggs and bacon beginning to crisp and I look over his shoulder to see the oil spluttering under the strong heat

"Well, I think we should care about each other together" His grip on my hands slowly tightens, as he looks me straight in the eye.


"I don't want to loose you again"

"The eggs are burning"

"That doesn't matter right now"

"Yeah, It kind of does because I don't want my house to burn down because your stubbornness, so let go of me!" I snap as I flick my hands out of his and take a step back, pressing my back against the wall.

I know I've taken it too far when he looks at me sadly, his face resembles the same expression of a lost puppy, which instantly floods me with guilt again. Link sighs and turns around and paces over to the stove. He grabs a tea towel and takes the handle of the blackened pan; he nearly looses his footing before throwing the pan into the sink and drowns it in water.

"You can't just ignore this Jenny..." Link mumbles as he scrubs the rough surface of the burnt eggs and bacon with a cloth.

"Yes, I can actually" I reply in a frustrated tone.

"What is holding you back?"

"There is nothing that is holding me back from making a decision" I fold my arms over my chest in defense. I didn't want to choose yet since I only just found my saviors. I knew that whomever I choose, the other one would leave again...

"Well there clearly is something, does it have anything to do with Dylan?"

"No, it's just, umm"

"What?!" He says sternly as he dumps the pan completely into the soapy water and turns to me.

"I love you both, okay!" I say in defeat and slid down the white wall and huddle into a small ball. Link comes back over to me and sits down beside me as I pull me head between my knees.

"What do you mean?"

"I love you so much but I also love Rhett too! I just don't want to hurt anybody!" I sob, trying to make myself smaller as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"But can't you see, your hurting us by doing nothing"

"I - Just - Give me time..."

"You've had 16 years Jennifer"

"Y-You called me J-Jennifer" I look up at him and see that Link was also staring back at me.

" Yes, I did! I've waited 16 years for you; you toyed with my heart yesterday and now your making me wait longer? We don't live forever"

"Just leave it Link," I mutter as I crawl to my feet.

"I can't do that," He says coyly.

"Yes, you can!" I shout in his face before running to my room and slamming the door shut behind me.

I know that I've probably destroyed every chance of him loving me but I couldn't handle that. I fall back into bed again and get lost in a train of thoughts. I don't even realize when I start singing but it felt so natural.

Are you, are you,

Coming to the tree,

Where they strung up a man,

They said who murdered three,

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be,

If we met, at midnight, in the hanging tree

Tears pour down my face as I repeat the same verse over and over again. I hear my dog scratching at me door, begging to come in but I slowly fall asleep again.

I Love You Too Link.


Hello lovelies, guess what? I'm On School Holidays And I Finally Downloaded Word Document, Yaaaay!

So I will be home from school for 17 days since in Aussie Land we only get short breaks and long terms (Darn it) this will mean that I will get a lot more time to write and also, to practise filming and editing for my future Youtube Channel! When I turn 14 (in 7 months time) I will be starting a Youtube channel so I'm super excited.

More news, in some time, I will be starting a collab book and the idea is extremely awesome so brace yourselves for that!

Question: How old are you?

Im'a 13 years old :3



Before I knew you: A Rhett and Link FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now