Chapter 67 - We're forever

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I'm so excited,so,so excited! I think I'm gonna cry lol it's been such a long journey, this story is by far the longest and most romantic one I've ever written...and it's over...almost




I watched petrified as they fought. I kept tugging at the cuffs to free myself, but nothing. No way. I could only watch. Watch as that man punched and hit and attempted at my love's life. Watch as Eric fought to survive. And I was powerless. I couldn't do anything to help. Why? There must be something. Celaena raised Hell to save her Chaol. Can't I do the same? Yeah, cuffed to a stupid lateral mirror ... sure. Ughhhh!

I pulled at the handcuffs once more and more forcefully. There must be a way to get rid of these. Wait, my phone. If only I could reach it ... ugh, my bag's in the car. Come on, Natalie. Think. Don't panic. Think.

Don't panic. How can't I? My Eric is there, fighting for his life and I can't do anything for him! I might lose him. No. NO. Not again. NO! I won't let that happen again!

I tugged at the handcuffs once more, my eyes watering, a sob mixed with a whimper escaping my lips every time Eric hit the ground, till, finally, he was able to take the upper hand. He glanced at me and I forced myself to smile, be it only to give him courage, but it was a lightning, we locked gazes for a second, but the moment I looked away, I noticed the blade shining in the moonlight, absurdly bright.

I pulled forcefully at the handcuffs, trying to warn Eric just with my eyes, I would have screamed, but no sound would come out of my mouth, no matter how I tried. Think, Natalie, think. Do something. You can't let it happen! No. No, I won't. There must be something.

I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing. These stupid handcuffs! Wait ... there is a way in theory. Ok. I took a deep breath and waited for the sound. Of my thumb breaking, that is. I pressed my eyelids not to feel the pain and slipped my hand out of the handcuff. When I reopened my eyes, it was as if time had frozen. Miraculously, I'd add.


"I don't know what got into me. I just saw him taking out that knife and ... and it was a split second, he'd just ... just ... s-stabbed you that I ... I-I saw the gun there and I just ... just ran for it and I took it and ... and ... Eric, I ... I-I did it for you! I-I was losing you and I ..." I barely made it to recount all of that. I just burst out crying. Unable to retain myself anymore.

We were on the couch, had just come back from the Grants, had left Noah there purposely to have our talk and I've told him everything ... it felt like a huge load was taken off my shoulders but it was still tormenting my heart.

As a matter of fact, I killed someone. I, Natalie Penelope Watson, have taken someone's life. I talked to Lukas about it, mostly because I know he can relate, and he comforted me, saying he knows how it feels like to have your conscience tormenting you all day and night, but he couldn't help but feel he'd do it again. For his Samantha.

His case was different. He just took the chance when the man was hanging out of a roof, Lukas being the only thing that kept him up. And he let him slip away from his grip. Voluntarily. Because that man had been a nightmare for his Sam, since she was a child, and Lukas had almost lost her because of that man, so despite everything, he was lucid when he made up his mind, he'd kept hearing that voice chanting to let the man go and finally make sure that Sam was safe once for all and, maybe, as a matter of revenge also, for all that had happened to her.

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