Chapter 44 - Trust Issues

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I spent the whole morning trying to ignore all the curious looks from my peers. Everywhere I go, there is somebody gaping at me like I'm the most interesting thing ever happened in here. Considering that my boyfriend is pretty known, and whatever he does, it's news, this will be quite an interesting week.

Besides, considering that Dana hasn't really hidden her glares at me, rumors are already spreading that she wants my head on a silver plate. They all just assume she's on the war footing with me because she's one of those girls that's always had a crush on Eric, but apparently nobody knows they have been together, which I guess irks her more, I mean ... he never really wanted her, just used her, saying he doesn't do relationships, then out of the blue she finds out he's dating me ...

Lucky thing I had no other classes with her. I've pretty much run from a classroom to another like there was someone hot on my tail all morning. Aisha says I'm a chicken, I should just face the bitch once for all. I say I will, if she comes for me, I will face Dana, I just ... need some extra courage. That's all. She's been my nightmare for years, I've been relatively calm only during high school, but as for the rest, she's been the not physical but equally venomous version of a bully for me. Not a true bully in the literal sense, but still ... so I need an extra dose of courage to face her.

Which is why, once my last class before lunch was over, I all but dashed out to run to the cafeteria, but I'd barely made a couple of steps out of class that I was yanked back. Someone had grabbed my arm and before I knew it I was facing a hard chest ... yeah, why didn't I figure it out earlier. Who else could it have been? Well, I'll admit that, in the suddenness of the movement, I yelped and kind of feared Dana had decided to go out of her way and get physical with me, but that was quite a stupid thought, she's finer than that. She makes you cry with words, not punches.

Anyhow, all my thoughts were thrown out of the window as soon as some full pink lips crashed on mine, strong arms wrapped around me. Yes, I was blindly making out with a stranger in the middle of the hall. Cool, huh? No, I'd never do that, obvious. It was even more obviously Eric.

I could feel eyes on us, to which I'll have to get used, I guess, but I didn't care, just lost myself in that moment. For once, the position was even reversed, considering it was him to have his back against the wall while I was all over him. Well, ok, that sounded really dirty, but ... you get it, don't you?

I let my hands travel to his hair, entangling them in it, as our kiss seemed never-ending, but in the end our lips parted, only for Eric to place a kiss on my cheek, whispering sweetly, and yet in that sexy husky voice: "I missed you."

I grinned, pressing myself better against him to whisper the same. Gee, sometimes we're so cheesy ... somehow, we managed to move from the wall and head to the cafeteria, hand in hand, of course, his arm wrapped around me, this time nobody daring to stare shamelessly at me. In front of the cafeteria, we found Aisha and Kyle waiting for us.

They were pretty taken by their chit-chatter and something sparked in my mind, so, while we were still far, I took the chance to ask Eric: "Do you know if he likes anybody?"

Ok, that was a very bad question to ask your boyfriend, especially when it was about a boy you'd been crushing on for years ... I realized it was when Eric gave me a confused and pretty alarmed look. I grinned angelically, explaining that I thought Kyle and Aisha made a cute couple, so maybe, if he was available ...

Eric laughed, wondering how comes now I played Cupid, and I stuck out my tongue to him, saying I just thought our friends would be cute together. It's true that Aisha told me she likes this other boy, but if he's so taken by his friend and that girl is in a serious relationship, it'd be a silly spiral Aisha should really get out of till she can. If he's into this other girl, he's gonna be mourning over her all the time, I bet.

The Angel,The Devil,The Nerdحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن