Chapter 47 - Hey,Brother

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about this chapter,the shifting in POVs was due :D

let me know what you think :)



For once in my school career I was late. Wow. Well, it's easily explained if you consider that yesterday night I stayed up late chatting with Aisha. I asked her about Nat and she said she couldn't talk to her because her mother grounded her because of what happened in the gym, something neither Aisha knew details about.

I know only because Liam recounted me. Said Nat and Dana had some sort of duel about Eric and Nat ended up punching her nemesis, as she calls her, on the nose, nearly breaking it. Liam said Dana was furious. He saw her yesterday night and she had such a murderous look on that he barely dared talk to her, knowing that she's worse than a mad dragon like that.

Now, I thought I'd ask Nat, but apparently her mother has grounded her, she can't talk to anyone, no phone, no laptop, no technology ... not even books. And I know that's torture for her. So I thought I'd catch up with her at school, just to see how was she, but maybe she won't want to talk about it ... I guess I should ask my brother instead. Hopefully he won't throw a fit. He's particularly touchy when it comes to his girlfriend.

Things between me and Eric have been improving. He's coming over more often and him and dad seem to have clicked. I see Eric more relaxed lately, while before he always looked like he was running from somebody. I guess that this thing with Natalie helps him a lot. After all, he loves her. I wonder how couldn't I see it sooner. I only realized that day when she was paired up with us for that stupid project.

Despite everything, I know my brother. I can read him all too well, just as he can read me, so I perfectly knew, since day one, that even while he was acting as if he didn't give a damn about her, her being so close for once did effect him. I mean, she was giving him her back as she talked to me, and while she was convinced he was completely ignoring her, I could see him looking up at her now and then and the deadpanned mask fell pretty often. Clear sign there was much more to his feelings.

I'll admit I was an asshole. When I realized he had a thing for her, I decided I'd take the chance to hurt him. So I befriended her with the sole purpose of stealing her from him, but then ... well, Nat is so different from other girls. She's unique, I swear. I've dated different girls but no one was like her, well, except for Allison.

I loved her, you know. I mean, I fell in love with her, even if we were only 16 back then, but I fell for her and she fell for me. It seemed everything perfect, but then I went and spoiled it all ... she caught me kissing my ex, we fought, I saw her leaving with my brother and the following day, when I tried to talk to her, she didn't let me, saying I may as well go back to my ex, we were done and she ... she'd slept with Eric. That hurt. Truly.

And it only added to my hatred towards him, which is why since then I started really acting on it and we fought more, to the point that all school, teachers included, knew all too well that we couldn't stand within a couple of yards around without jumping at each other's throat, which wasn't truly a good thing for me, because, ashamedly, he is stronger than I, so most of the times I ended up sporting bruises that more than wound my flesh, wounded my pride.

But things are different now. We're friends. More than friends. We're trying to be brothers. And I'll admit that it's cool, you know. I've grown up only child, so it's cool to have a brother, even if it happens to be the boyfriend of the girl you have a crush on ...

Yeah, I like Nat. Really. Even if I befriended her just to get back at him, then I realized what an amazing girl she is and ... the more I talked to her, the more I realized that my plans about hurting Eric were fading, all I wanted was to be close to Nat. So I asked her out, kind of rushing things a bit because I could see she was starting to look at my brother differently and I feared she might feel something for him, so I indeed tried to steal her from him, but this time not for a mean reason, this time simply because I liked her for real.

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