Chapter 50 - (Un)expected calls

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a/n: I didn't mean to make it like this,but it did...oops

let me know what you think :)



I stirred against Joe when I heard some buzzing. It couldn't be my alarm clock, I didn't even set it, then what the hell was it? Dad said he'd call, but by noon, he's busy all morning, so it can't be him, and Cole? Hmm, maybe him yeah, he was already throwing a fit at my sleeping out with my boyfriend. Ugh, my brother can be so annoying sometimes!

Rolling over, making Joe mumble in his sleep that it was too early to be up already, I reached for the nightstand. It wasn't not even my phone, then what the hell was it? Maybe it was Joe's? Though his must be in his jeans that we scattered somewhere on the floor. In the rush last night, you know. Lucky thing I've learnt to be silent. Though Aisha wasn't really ... then again, what's the fun of it if you can't be loud? The boy gotta hear you're, liking it, right? And Joe ... hmm ... I certainly very much like it with Joe.

I met him a few weeks ago when I spent a weekend at my brother's dorms while dad was out of town. I could have slept at a friend's, but Cole, being the annoying ass he is, argued that he didn't trust me to be alone for a whole weekend, so, since he couldn't come home because he was busy with mid-term exams, he convinced dad I better sleep at his place, which was an absurd idea anyway, considering he sleeps at the dorms, so I'd be surrounded by college guys, but hey, I didn't complain one bit. Cole realized his mistake when I had fun chatting with guys around. Almost locked me up in his room, I swear. But ... in the end he let me go out alone ... with his girlfriend as chaperon. Ugh.

Though Zoe is nice, they've been dating since barely a month or two apparently, which had him mercilessly dump the girl he was sort of seeing back in our town. I mean, he'd been so excited about this new girl, and then all of a sudden he dumps her. I was shocked, but then I saw Zoe and ... well, they've been friends since their freshman year, she found the guts to tell him she liked him only a couple of months ago. My dear brother fell from the clouds, of course, but after all, when is he ever not clueless? Duh. Long story short, they decided to give it a try and now they're a really cute couple.

So, I was allowed to hang around campus, but only as long as Zoe was with me. Lucky thing the girl is better than my brother, so when she saw me flirting with a boy she conveniently left. The boy was, of course, Joe. He's in his freshman year and we clicked instantly. My brother accepted only because there's only one year of difference between me and Joe, but yeah, Cole did throw a fit when, not finding me anywhere, he kind of searched all his dorm, only to, finally, find me in Joe's bed ... oops, my bad. The boy was too cute to resist. He's quite different from the usual type I date, not nearly as muscled as Hunter, who's been my dream boy since I was ... um ... 12?

Yeah, he's my brother's best friend, and so, sooo hot! But ... he saw me as a little sister. Such a bummer. Though ... um ... cough, cough ... I kind of ... managed to have Mr. Hot Boy in my bed ... ahm ... it took me a good measure of sweetly batting my eyelashes, but he finally caved. Hasn't talked to me since. It was like ... two years ago, in a camp he worked. Hunter and Cole both go to Stanford, so they are still unite, unlike me and my own best friend that have been harping on technology to keep in touch since last year, thanks to my lovely mother doing the bitch and spreading her legs for another man.

Dad was shattered. He loved her. Doesn't realize she's never deserved him. My father is an amazing man, I have no idea how could he end up with such a bitch. Yeah, I know, she's still my mother, dad too reminds me, but I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

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