Chapter 26 - Dissimulate

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a/n: this chapter is entirely dedicated to Eric's back story,well,just some basic explanations of it. Explanations that are useful to understand why does he act as he does.

this chapter involves some sort of violence...there's nothing explicit,but if you feel like it might hurt your sensibility,then feel free to skip it

in case,instead,you decide to read...let me know what you think. Every kind of comment is always welcome :)



Once home, I marched straight to his office. He's so wrong if he thinks he can just act like that. I didn't even knock, just strolled in, finding him at his desk, deeply immersed in his papers, the daily slut sitting on his lap, like some sort of pet he fondled now and then. Yeah, he does that. Especially when my mother leaves for a couple of days.

Duh, like she doesn't know. She damn well knows. I've told her when I found out when I was 10, not even three months after she married him and we moved here. But of course, I was just a killjoy, a whiny child that made up excuses because he wanted to go back home. And indeed back then I wanted to. I hated it here. And I started hating it even more when Mr. Dickinger here started showing his true colors.

Why the hell did mom marry him, after all these years I still haven't figured out. At first I thought she sought the security my biological father didn't give her, because he eloped with his damn secretary, abandoning her and me like we were useless packages he wanted to get rid of, so maybe mom, I thought as a child, had found this other man that looked after her and gave her what Daniel Romano, my biological father, also Kyle's dad, gave her, but then it turned out that Robert Dillinger, or Dickinger, as I've always called him, was a real dickhead in every sense, but he was rich and powerful and had his finger in the pie of every gangland affair. And he had a different hooker every night, just needed a wife to look like the irreprehensible businessman this town still sees him as.

Because, you know, his Dillinger Corp. have so, so benefitted this town, and he's like the best of benefactors around here, especially because, you know, he is so charitable, he gives so much to the poor every year, helps women quit the most ancient job in the world ... aka, he takes them in his house, making them queens for a week, before he kicks them out, tired of their services.

Every month, when my mother so conveniently goes visiting her "grandma" in Washington, he brings in one of those sluts, because, you know, you can't ask such man to keep it in the pants for a week. That's too much for one with his stamina, isn't it?

The tale about my mother going to see her grandmother then ... please, granny died when I was eight. I remember it because uncle Sam was as distraught as I've never seen him.

Yeah, uncle Sam. He's possibly the only one in this world that's ever even considered me as a human being. The only one I could ever trust. Well, ok, the only once except for some girl I can't even think about.

That kiss yesterday, it was a very bad move. I should have never even dared, because if I know her one bit, by now she'll be mulling and mulling over it, trying to understand why did I do that. But maybe I'm wrong. Considering she is head over heels for my half-brother and he's giving her all those attentions, I bet the very little kiss I gave her just yesterday after she hugged me, all happy because of that Math test, is already out of her mind. After all, if she ever even thinks about me, it's with fear or annoyance. Sure as hell I don't get the silly smile that brat causes in her every time.

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