Chapter 18 - Love and Hate

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Together already. That brat doesn't spoil a second, does he? I gritted my teeth as I noticed Natalie sliding through the cafeteria queue while laughing and chatting with Kyle.

All of a sudden he notices her. He's never even seen her and now he's always around her. I think the reason is pretty obvious. It's just to irk me. Because he damn knows.

My jaw clenched as, once he spotted me, Kyle smirked at me while heading to an empty table with her. There you are, the confirm. All of this being around her, it's just to get on my nerves. But two can play this game, you know. So I stood up from my seat I'd just taken and reached their table.

Only a few minutes ago I'd mustered the courage to come up to her and apologize for my odd behavior of yesterday, but then I saw her there, looking cuter than usual, and ... well, for as odd as it sounds, I just melted underneath her puzzled gaze.

Yeah, I, Eric Rivers, the school's nightmare, the epitome of bad, as they call me, powerless when such an innocent and defenseless girl stares at him with those big hazel eyes holding nothing but confusion and, possibly, irritation.

That she doesn't like my presence, I know it too well. It's so perfectly clear every time we're alone. Because I scare her, she said. I am always so rude that I frighten her.

"Mind if I join?"  I asked as I sat down across from her, next to him. Natalie's eyes were wide as she saw me. She probably thinks I'm stalking her. My stunt in the gym the other day was an hazard, yesterday only made it worse, and just earlier ... I'm probably digging my own grave when it gets to her, I know. I bet she's even more afraid of me now, but I have to think it's for the best.

Kyle's jaw clenched, even if only for a moment, then he gave me one of his fake smiles as he spoke: "Rivers ... sure. There's room for three too." I bet Natalie, so blinded by her feelings and his starlight reputation of angel of the school, didn't even spot the venom in his words.

This boy's like a cobra, ready to attack whenever you less expect it. He's as sneaky as nobody I ever met is. But no, that's just me thinking it because we don't get along. Kyle is not bad. am the evil one. He's this lovely angel everybody praises, while I am only the troublemaker.

"Thought this was a brainstorming for our project." I commented sarcastically, looking in between them. Natalie looked like she was about to faint. Do I scare her that much? Although she concealed it by starting to eat. Her face was pale.

Kyle smirked as he followed her. "Sure. We're proceeding well, aren't we?" He commented, then turned to Natalie, who was still silent.

Duh, I've freaked her out with all my stunts in these days, I know I have. I bet she'll be walking miles away from me now. Normally seeing people so afraid of me would amuse me, but Natalie ... the afternoon alone with her on Saturday was pure bliss, believe me, even if I had to keep my mask on, because what she expects from me is not the gentle boy helping her with Math, no, she expects  the ruthless bad boy glaring at her every moment. And that's what she gets. For the greater good,I should say. To detriment of my own stupid self,might be a better definition.

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