Leaving home

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"Sir yes sir!" I said while saluting the man in front of me, I never got his name which isn't too good. I will miss yelling those words, or have those words yelled at me. I'm leaving my base, my safe, my home.

I am one of their best fighters. No, I was one of the best fighters that they had. I requested that I could help teach the new recruits, but I can't. I'm too injured, too broken. But that will never get me down, not today, not in the future, never.

I have many many scars all over my body. But the worst is I have no left arm. My mom almost had a heart attack from the news, well bad news. But my father, oh he was so proud that I saved the lives of my friends and the little town with the villagers scattered around the scene too.

"Miss Blood, I know we will miss you when you will be departing. We wish you luck on your new adventure." Mr.Brown said. He saluted me as I got into the slick black truck that will bring me to the airport which will take me to the U.S. 

There I will start a new life. Not a new identity, but close enough. I know that many people are out to get my blood. I need to keep low for awhile, or forever.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter I hope you guys liked it. I will be updating a lot more <3

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