Ch.21 familia o que?

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Mia's POV

"Hello" I said as I answered the phone. "Mia I need you to get somewhere safe!" Said Jesus on the other end of the phone. "But why? What's going on??" I asked. "Just do it! Take mom and David with you!!!" He said and then hanged up.

I was scared Because of the tone of voice Jesus had. This must have been serious. I drove home as fast as I could since I was on my way already. I got out of my car and ran into the apartment. "Mom!!! Mom!!!" I yelled catching my breath. "Que pass mija?" What's wrong she asked.

"We have to go!! Jesus called and told me to take you guys with me and we have to be somewhere safe!" I said. My mom gasped and said "but why??" "I don't know but let's go!!" I said.

I grabbed David by the hand and ran out with my mom behind me. We got into my car and drove off. "Mom I don't know where to go!" I said. "Drive to Santa Monica! Your tio Ernesto lives there!"

I haven't seen my tio Ernesto in years. He was my mom's favorite cousin. They grew up together in San Jose before my mom moved to Sacramento and he move to Santa Monica.

We drove to Santa Monica and stopped at his house. When we got there it was already 10:30. "I hope they're not asleep" my mom said as we got off. We heard the sound of music and laughter coming from his backyard. The smell of carne asada filled up our noses. "Nope I think my tio is having a carne asada." I said with a chuckle.

We knocked at the door and my Tia Carmen opened it. She was shocked to see us "Esme!! What a surprise! I haven't seen you in years! And the kids oh my goodness they have grown!" She said as she hugged us.

"I know Carmen we were just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by." Said my mom.

"Ernesto! Ernesto! Come see who it is!" Yelled my Tia Carmen as she let us in the house. "Who's here?" Asked my tio Ernesto as he walked in from the backyard.

"Prima Esmeralda! It's so nice to see you again!" He said as he hugged my mom, David and me. "What are you doing here?" He asked knowing something is up. "They said they were in the neighborhood and they dropped by." My Tia Carmen explained.

"No that's not the reason." Began my uncle "Esme I know you too well and I know something is up. What's wrong? Come on you can tell me."

My moms eyes began to get watery "oh primo I don't know where to begin!" She said. "Mm kids maybe you should go say hi to your cousins and we'll let them two talk. Come on let's go in the backyard." Said my Tia Carmen as she walked us towards the backyard.

"Jacky! Kevin! Orlando! Griselda! Look who's here!!!" She said with excitement. We walked outside and saw a couple of cholos and other people. My cousins came up to us and said hi. Jacky is 13, Griselda is 16, Kevin is 17 and Orlando is 18.

"Mia!!" Said jacks as she walked up to me and hugged me. Jacky is tall, skinny, wavy hair, brown eyes, wears glasses and for a 13 year old she has a big ass. "Hey jacky!" "Hey bitch!" Said Griselda as she hugged me.

Unlike jacky Griselda has a nice body, big ass, good boob size, wavy hair, light skin, tall and green eyes. I would kill for eyes like hers! "Griselda! Don't call her that!" Said my Tia Carmen.

"Mom that's how Mia and I always talk to each other though!" She said. I laughed and said "Tia we always talk like that." "Aren't you going to say hi to your favorite primo?" Said Kevin with his big cheesy smile.

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