Ch.18 The Mistake

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"Mia wake up! We're going to the warehouse." Said Jesus as he walked in and threw a pillow at me. "Whyyyy?" I groaned as I threw the pillow back at him.

"Because we need to do a mission they have for us!" He began "now hurry up and get ready!" I got up put on black leggings, white tank top, blue jean jacket over and my white converse. I put my hair in a bun since I was too lazy to curl it or straighten it. I put on eyeliner and mascara and I was done.

"Mia are you ready yet?" Asked Jesus from the kitchen. "Yeah let me just brush my teeth really quick!" I replied. When we were in the car Jesus asked me " So did you have fun last night after I left?"

Shit I forgot about last night! I don't want Jesus to find out about Andres yelling at me! If Jesus finds out Andres yelled at me he would kill him!

"Oh yeah I had fun." I replied in a low tone. "Why do you sound like you didn't have fun?" He asked me. I was quiet for a minuet and then I said " um well it was a bit boring at first."

"Oh I feel you, that's one of the reasons I decided to go home early and my head was fucken killing me!" He said shaking his head.

We got to the warehouse and luckily we were the first ones there. "Mia! How are you Mija?" Asked my dad as he walked in. "I'm good dad." I said as I smiled at him. I saw Jesus roll his eyes since he's still mad at my dad but hey I can't blame him, my dad did lie to him all these years.

"Miaaaaaaa!!!!" Yelled Lupe as she ran towards me and hugged me. "Damn smiley I don't think the people in China heard you!" Said Diablo as he walked in. He looked at me, smiled and said "hey China."

I'm still not use to people calling me China but I'm sure i will get use to it sooner or later. "Hey Diablo." I smiled.

I can't believe he would man up and back me up. At first he was annoying but after talking to him and actually getting to know him made me change my mind about him.

I saw Andres walk in with that girl Vanessa. "What is she doing here? She's not even part of our gang." Said dreamer as she walked towards us. "I thought she was." I said.

"Nah she just likes to be around the guys you know slut issues." Said Lupe as she laughed and we all joined her. Vanessa looked at me and rolled her eyes. I don't know why she wants to start shit I mean she has bandages on her nose because I broke it! What more does she want?

Andres walked towards us once he saw me. "Omg what the fuck does chino want?" Said dreamer putting her hands on her hips. "Hey Mia can I talk to you? Alone..." He said rubbing the back of his bald head.

"Whatever you want to tell me you can say it in front of my homegirls." I replied rolling my eyes. He looked at us and shyly said "I'm sorry I yelled at you last night. I know it was wrong but i mean understand me you didn't have to punch her and make it all dramatic..." I cut him off and said "dramatic? Did you not hear what she was telling me?? I couldn't defend myself? Like really?"

"I know I was dumb and that's why I'm saying sorry! And please do t let your brother hear about this! He would literally kill me!" He said. "Yeah whatever" I said as I looked away.

Andres shrugged his shoulders and walked away. "Did he really just come to tell me sorry so my brother wouldn't beat him up??" I said.

"He's stupid like one day he likes you and then next day he likes hoes! You really shouldn't go after him now." Replied Lupe shaking her head.

"MIA WHAT THE FUCK DID CHINO TELL YOU!" I heard Jesus' voice coming my way. Shit I thought! "What are you talking about?" I asked knowing exactly what he was talking about.

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