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Drew watched me pace in my room. It had been hours since Lily had told us of the vampires. I knew that my brother had heard already. He had called me several times. In fact, he began calling Drew within the last hour, but I took his phone knowing he would never be able to ignore his alpha’s calls. I needed to get my head on straight. I needed to have a plan, a way to convince my brother that I was a capable she-wolf and that I could handle myself. Blood Moon was our closest ally. What kind of alpha’s daughter would leave their closest ally right when they needed help the most? These all made sense to me, but would they make sense to him? 

Drew began, “Cady?” I stopped and looked at him. His face was warm and comforting. He made me feel at ease. “You have to speak to him.”

“I just need more time.”

“You are out of time. How do you expect him to think you are tough enough to take on a vampire when you can’t even speak to him?”

“You know he is way scarier than any vampire.”

Drew laughed. “Maybe, but he’s your brother. And he’s a good alpha. He will make the right call. No matter what that is.”

I could see on Drew’s face he didn’t want me to stay. His mission in life was to keep me safe. He never wanted harm to come to me and here I was throwing myself in the lion’s den.

“I’m sorry.”

He furrowed his brow.

“I didn’t consider you in this decision. I guess I’ve been doing that a lot lately. I know you don’t want me to fight. I know you’re afraid of what might happen, but I know with all of my heart, that I will be ok. And more than that, I know that I have to help even if it means I might not come back.”

Drew took a deep breath, “I am not here to stop you from doing what you need to do. You have spent your whole life letting other people make your decisions for you. Even if I don’t agree, I will not stop you. It is time to start letting you make your own mistakes.”

“So, you think this is a mistake?”

“I think…” He paused briefly as he looked at me. “I know you will be alright.” It was getting harder for me to deny him. Everything he did was for me. He trusted me even when he didn’t think I was making the right decision. Could it be possible that the Moon Goddess had made a mistake? Drew was perfect for me. He was my comfort and my bravery. Without him I may have just been some girl who followed everything mommy and daddy said. With him by my side I could explore and go on adventures. He kept me safe and he made me feel unconditionally loved. Part of me hoped that I wouldn’t meet my mate. Part of me hoped that he wasn’t out there, that I would go on this wild goose chase to find him, and that I never would. Then I could be with Drew with no regrets. At this moment I thought about how hard it must be for Lily being torn between so many wolves when I myself was torn only between two. And one of them I hadn’t even met yet.

I was halted in my train of thought when I saw Ophelia’s name pop up on my phone. I unintentionally answered, “Hello?” Then I cringed.

“What the hell Cady?” My brother’s voice boomed.

I sat silent with the phone to my ear.

“Why aren’t you answering my calls? You talked to Lily, didn't you?”

I let out a deep breath before saying, “yes. I know what’s going on. And I’m sorry for ignoring you all day, but I knew you weren’t going to be happy with my decision.”

“What does that mean?” The agitation and confusion were present in his voice.

“I want to stay and help.”

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu