
I was keeping my eyes peeled. We were right outside the rogue territory. Ophelia’s scent led us right here. White Claw’s warriors would be here soon, but Shane didn't want to wait.

He was arguing with Lily. “I have to go in there and get her.”

“You said there were like sixty rogues that are able to fight in there. Are you going to be able to fight them all?” she countered.

“I just have to sneak in there, find her and get her out. At most I'll have to fight like five of them.”

“They're waiting for you. They are going to kill you on sight. But not me. They don't know who I am. I could sneak in there. They'll be underestimating me.”

“So I can't take on sixty rogues but you can?”

I thought this was a good time to interject, “I could…”

Shane growled and Lily said, “Not now.”

But it wasn't an order.

The two of them went back to arguing with each other. They were so wrapped up that they didn't notice when I walked right into rogue territory. I knew I wasn't wanted dead as badly as they wanted Shane dead. And with Lily, well, I wasn't willing to take the chance.

So I kept walking until I couldn't hear them argue any longer. I looked around at the town. It looked deserted, even though I knew it wasn't. There were marks in the dirt as if a fight had occurred here recently. The buildings were dirty and run down. Yet it smelled like most of them were being lived in, if you could call it living.

The smell of old and new blood lingered. And the distant cries and screams would be enough to scare anyone who dared trespass. Except me.

I wasn't afraid. I was alert. My scent was still of a rogue, so at least that wouldn't call attention to myself. But I knew they had been watching us when we made our way here. At the very least that girl, Ansley, knew what I looked like. So I was going to try and keep a low profile.

I realized that was going to be impossible when I tracked Ophelia’s scent to what must have been the pack house. I could smell power radiating even outside the door.

I grunted, but coming here would have been pointless if I didn't at least go check on her. So I opened the door and as I walked in footsteps ran toward me.

A man, maybe 2 inches shorter than me, came into view. He looked crazy. Wild brown hair, with a wild stare. He looked like he had eaten lead paint chips as a child.

“Who are you?”

It took me a minute to respond. The man in front of me was exactly what I pictured when I was taught about rogues.

“I’ve been running a long time. I stumbled upon your territory.”

“You're awfully clean for a rogue.”

“I still bathe.”


“Have you smelled yourself lately?”

He took a whiff and laughed like a crazy clown.

Then I heard a thunderous voice, “He's one of them.”

The crazy one looked up and I followed suit. A man stood at the top of the stairs, he was taller than me and almost as muscular. He looked to be more sane than his comrade, but he definitely wasn't working with a full deck.

“He came with Alpha Shane and the female. What I don't understand is why you smell like a rogue and not like White Claw.”

I scoffed. “Like I would ever join White Claw.”

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