
I sat on the floor of my bathroom sobbing into my hands. Lily had left over two hours ago and I couldn't get our conversation out of my head. I had pushed my emotions on this subject down so far that I almost forgot how much pain I was in.

But having her here, explaining the whole thing to her, had me reliving it like it was yesterday. Four years was a long time to go without your mate. I cried even harder when I realized I had told her to make him happy. My wolf knew only we could make him happy, but if that were true he would have claimed us.

My heart ached for him and my body yearned for him. But my head, my head told me that I would never have him. I picked myself up off the ground and went into my bedroom. I grabbed a duffel bag and threw some clothes in it. I had spent four years wasting my time, hoping he would come around. That he would finally accept me, but that day was never going to come and I was tired of waiting. I grabbed my wallet. I didn't have a lot of cash, but enough to get a meal or two. Then I grabbed my sneakers and made my way out the door.

Somehow I made it out of the house without my mother or brother seeing me. I didn't want them to worry. I knew my mother knew. She had heard the rumors that I claimed he was my mate. The pack said I was crazy. No one believed me, I wasn't even sure if she did. But for some reason Lily did. She knew and it gave me hope.

But when she left I knew that hope was false. Just my mind playing tricks. He would never accept me and so as I walked the streets carrying my duffel bag I knew what I had to do. I had to leave. I entered the pack's forest. It would be hard to get past the warriors on patrol, but not impossible. They wouldn't question me for being out there, many wolves liked to run free in the woods for fun. But I had to find a part of the border where no one was.

I sniffed the air and smelled Jason, one of our warriors, running to the right. He had just passed by this area and I knew this was the perfect way to go. He wouldn't be back to this spot for at least another ten minutes. I walked toward the border dropping my duffel right outside it. Then I took off the flowy dress and my shoes and placed them in the bag.

Then I spoke the words, “I, Ophelia Gray, cut ties to Alpha Shane and the White Claw Pack.” He would feel it immediately. He would know what I had done. As if I had actually broken the tether that held us together.

The pack would feel it too, but not as much as the alpha. That's why the moment I finished speaking I shifted. My wolf was beautiful. She had auburn fur that was long and soft. And her eyes seemed even bluer than my own. She howled at the loss of her pack, but she picked the duffel bag into her mouth and she ran. She ran as fast as her legs would take her.

I kept running well into the night. I didn't even know where I was. I had made it far enough that I knew I could slow down. I shifted and threw on my dress. Then I grabbed one of the granola bars out of my bag. I ate it while I walked searching for a place to stay for the night. But as I walked, I realized there were no caves or any type of coverings besides the trees. Luckily it wasn't too cold as winter was coming to an end. And it didn't smell like rain, so I decided to just rest where I was.

I brought a thin blanket in my duffel, which I laid on the ground to sit on. And before I knew it, sleep had taken over.

I awoke to the sound of distant voices, “I smell a little wolf.” It was a male, but his voice was slightly higher pitched and very raspy. “Won't you come out and play with us?” He snickered.

I quickly got up and threw my blanket in the duffel. I knew they weren't that close, but they would be soon. I shifted and started to run in zig zags to confuse them. It was early morning, the sun had not yet risen. I knew I would be able to navigate this better as my wolf. She wasn't as strong as other wolves, but she was still smart. I was hoping with her smaller stature she could outrun these males. Especially since they were in their human forms.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now