"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Ava didn't even bat an eye, "Vampires."

"That doesn't make any sense. Why would there be vampires here? Do you think Damon knows? Maybe they're being invaded?" 

Vampires and werewolves didn't usually get along. Vampires were known to be selfish creatures. They usually traveled by themselves or in small groups, so it was quite frightening to think there was such a large group of them here.

“I don't think so.” Ava responded. I furrowed my brow as she continued. “They don't move. I have been keeping tabs on them and they haven't moved since we got here. And Damon definitely knows they are here.”

“You read him?”

“His thoughts are wild. I can't piece them together. I have never met a more frazzled being. But, he only ever thinks of two things: Vampires and you.”


“Yeah his wolf is always very present. He prevents me from seeing too much. I don't trust him.”

“It would explain what happened earlier.”

“You mean when he tried to mark you?”

I furrowed my brow, “You know it's an invasion of my privacy when you do that.”

“Will was worried, and it seems he had a reason to be.”

My nostrils flared. “That's not fair. I think I have proven that I can make smart choices.

“I agree. But I also can tell the mate bond is affecting you much more with him. Way more than it did with Shane or even Shadow.”

“I noticed that too. And I'm not sure if it means something. When he isn't around I'm almost positive Damon could never be my mate, but then I see him and it's like my thoughts are consumed with him. My body instantly reacts and I'm pulled more than I have ever been with the others.”

“I'm no werewolf, but it sounds like he could be the one.”

“So you think he is my mate, but at the same time you think he is untrustworthy?”

“Lily, I'm not a wolf or the moon goddess. I don't know what a mate is or feels like. I don't know the answer here. But I have to admit, Damon doesn't seem like he can be trusted. He is keeping something huge from us. Something so big his wolf keeps trying to take over.”

“None of this makes sense. So he knows about the vampires, but we don't know what he knows about them? Why would he allow vampires to stay in his pack?”

“I have a theory.” Ava was deadly serious. "I'm not positive about this, but I did hear stories from my coven. There was once a pack that had made a deal with Vampires. This pack had trouble with one of their neighboring packs, who had been invading and kidnapping their females and all the usual stuff that packs who bully others do. Well, the pack got fed up and decided to take matters into their own hands. They weren't strong enough to fight back. So instead they made a deal. A deal with the vampires. If the vampires helped them to defeat their enemy, they would allow them to live in the pack and feed off of the pack members." 

I gasped. Honestly, it was the worst thing I could have ever imagined. What alpha would make a deal like that? "You think Blood Moon was that pack?"

Ava shook her head. "The vampires accepted the deal. And together they slaughtered the other pack. And as promised they allowed the vampires to live with them. They allowed them to feed on them like was discussed.” Ava looked disgusted. “But the vampires got greedy. After about a year, they decided it wasn't enough. They wanted more. They started draining pack members dry. At first, they made it seem like an accident, but they kept doing it and eventually they didn't care, they started killing them all. Draining every wolf. One. By. One. Women, children, they fed on whoever they wanted. The alpha tried to fight back, but his pack was weak. And in the end, the vamps had drained them all."

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