The next morning we woke up with the sun. I had packed the night before so all I had to do was shower and get dressed. I put on my black hoodie and some leggings. If I was going to be stuck in a car again I wanted to be comfortable.

I walked out of my room with my duffel bags and headed right down the stairs. I could smell bacon and eggs and as I reached the kitchen entrance I saw Shadow at the stove. He turned and looked at me solemnly.

He turned back to his pan as he said, "I couldn't have you leave on an empty stomach." He really was the sweetest man I had ever met. Part of me still wished he was my mate.

I swallowed the lump in my throat before saying, "I'm sorry that things turned out the way they did."

He put the eggs on the plate next to the bacon and turned around. "You are so perfect. Fate is very cruel."

I looked at my shoes because it was too much to see the sorrow in his eyes. He walked past me holding the two plates, and his scent, the same one that once smelled so glorious to me, was now just like smelling any other alpha. He set the plates in the middle of the table and I began to hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I'm starved! And that smells amazing." I looked up and Shadow was still staring at me. I wanted to comfort him, but I was afraid that would only make it worse. Will pulled out a chair and sat as if nothing was wrong.

Ava came in only a minute later. She looked at me knowingly. Then she turned to Shadow, "You have been an amazing host. I can certainly see why witches like staying on your pack lands."

He finally smiled and I couldn't thank Ava enough as I let out a relieved breath. She grabbed his shoulder and then took a seat as well. I sat next to Will and Shadow sat at the head. We ate in silence, only it was a comfortable silence. I could tell Shadow kept peeking glances at me, but I couldn't raise my head to look back.

We finished eating and Will and Shadow walked our bags outside. Xander, the brindle wolf who showed us through the woods our first day, appeared.

"I felt it only fitting that he show you the way out." Shadow gave his infamous crooked smile and it was so nice to see him starting to go back to normal. It disappeared when he looked at me though. He smiled at me, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm sorry I am not taking you myself."

"It's ok. With the vampire situation, and recent events, I think it best that we say goodbye here." I stared at him for a moment. He looked like he wanted to touch me and I couldn't hold back any longer. I grabbed him around his waist and hugged him tightly, leaning my cheek against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me as well and rested his head atop mine.

He whispered, "I hope you find what you are looking for." Then he pulled away a little. I stepped back out of his grasp and smiled at him. He was warm, and strong, and the best kind of alpha.

"Your mate is the luckiest wolf." I saw the hurt flash across his face, "Goodbye Shadow." He closed his eyes and I turned around to catch up with my friends and Xander. We shifted and made it back to the garage quicker this time. We didn't take any more scenic tours or stop to hunt. We said goodbye to Xander and we went on our way.

Once again the car ride was silent. We passed thousands of trees with no word. We didn't know what to say. It just was what it was.

After a long while Will finally spoke, "So…" I smirked and side eyed him in the driver seat. "Anyone going to tell me what all that awkwardness was back there?"

Ava snorted, "Well maybe if you weren't busy flirting with everyone you'd already know."

I laughed. But I explained to him what had happened.

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