
Will and I made it to the explosion site pretty quickly. The weird thing was that there was no one here. It was a small clearing in the forest. It was rather open, except that there was a small fire burning directly in the middle of it. The whole area smelled of gasoline and something unfamiliar. The fire was definitely man made though. It seemed someone was trying to cause a distraction.

Will spoke, “I smell a Rogue.”

I sniffed the air and he was correct. A male rogue had been here recently. But he wasn't close by now. The question was, why?

Why would one Rogue cause such a large explosion? And who was he trying to distract? I had a feeling I didn't want to know the answer.

I sniffed the air again and realized Ophelia's scent was nowhere to be found.

“Well, at least Shane is still following her trail.”

“Should we head back that way or follow the Rogue?”

I walked around the fire, something was very wrong. I knew this fire was meant to distract us. But why? Who would wish us harm? I didn't think the coven would be working with rogues. Especially not since we found out she has Wild Fang helping. Wild Fang may have been the pack that most resembled rogues, but they were definitely not the same. They didn't kill on sight and they sure as hell still took care of their own. Rogues didn't care who they hurt or how. Plus rogues couldn't be controlled. They didn't follow a leader. They just did as they pleased.

It was then that I smelled him. Shane was coming towards us, with what smelled like a Rogue female. My hackles went up and I prepared myself for the worst. Will sensed my mood change and quickly fell into step next to me.

When I finally saw him, he was fine. He was escorting a young girl. The girl seemed helpless, but there was something off that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

“Shane, who is this?” He looked at me surprised. As if once again he forgot I could mind-link him.

“Lily, did you find her?”

“She isn't here Shane. Her scent is nowhere near.”

“It has to be. Ansley here told me she was headed this way.”

“Smell for yourself if you don't believe me. Who is Ansley?”

He sniffed the air once again ignoring my questions about the girl. Then his demeanor changed and he was angry. Will and I ran toward them as he turned to the girl. I thought he was going to attack her but then he shifted. I slowed my pace but continued toward them.

“I thought you said she was headed this way?” he yelled.

“I thought you were tracking her.” she said shakily.

“I stopped when you said she was headed in this direction.”

“I told you I saw her walking East, I didn't specifically see her here.” Ansley was defensive, but I was surprised at the slight attitude I heard in her voice. “I assumed you would still track her since you were in your wolf form.”

He looked a little irritated, but he brushed it off. “So now I have no clue where she could be.” He dragged his hand down his face.

The girl turned to me, “Wow. You're a white wolf.”

I looked at her, not answering her obvious statement.

Then she looked at Will, “You are huge! Are you an Alpha too?” Will grunted, but it came out as a low growl and I couldn't help but laugh in my head.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now