
I stood at the front entrance thinking how different tomorrow would be. Moon Stone, Crescent, Black Tooth, and White Claw. I had stayed all over and I still hadn’t found a place I belonged. Each one of these packs were so vastly different. Surely, one of them should have felt like home. But that feeling had never come. I was thankful that at least I wasn’t alone. 

I walked down the front steps and noticed some of the guards escorting a few rogues into the village. I noticed Florence still walking around checking on everyone. I guess I may have misjudged her. I never could have imagined her serving others. But the way she spoke to them, comforted them and tended to their needs, I knew. She was a true Luna. It was why she had been fated to an alpha. It was why her father knew she would be a useful Luna to White Claw. I found myself feeling sorry for the woman. She could be rather insufferable, but she had lived through so much. She had never had the ability to choose for herself. And still she presents a strong will to help others. She was pretty remarkable.

I watched as Drew stepped forward to speak to the remaining rogues, “After you have been questioned, you will be led to housing. Everyone will have to share. So, make sure you let us know if there is someone you wish to be housed with. You will have guards monitoring your houses. They will not come in unless invited or if they think it's absolutely necessary. You will not be joining White Claw until we have deemed you are no longer a threat. This does not mean you cannot come to us with issues that may arise. Even though you are not technically pack, in our eyes you are no longer rogues. My alpha has sent out a pack wide mind link to treat you with no less respect than they would any other pack member.”

Florence chimed in, “This means that if anyone treats you as otherwise. You must come to me, or the Alpha or Luna.”

Shane, Ophelia, and Lawrence had appeared with a middle aged woman who was now being escorted by a guard toward the same direction as the others.

I saw them point out Ansley and Shane’s face turned to one of anger. Ophelia gently grabbed his bicep and I watched him calm slightly. I walked toward them as Lawrence went to get her.

Ophelia smiled brightly at me and Shane gave me a small smile and a nod.

Ophelia began, “I can’t believe you are leaving tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I’d say that my presence here is no longer needed.” I looked down at the intertwined hands and smiled knowingly at them.

“I’m just glad you are leaving on good terms. Without you I’m not sure my mate here ever would have come around.”

I laughed as Shane blushed and looked to the ground. “He would have.” I looked at him, “He would have been stupid not to.”

Ophelia gave me an appreciative smile.

“So, Ansley's next?” I queried as I looked toward Lawrence who had finally reached where the girl stood.

Ophelia nodded. “I know she helped the rogues, but I think she can be trusted.”

Shane growled, “If her plan would have worked, Timber would have marked you.”

“But she was fighting for the ones she loved.” Ophelia countered.

“Her mother and her brother.” I added.

Shane looked at me, “So you're on her side?”

I looked at him skeptically. Ophelia looked hopeful that I would back her up. “I honestly don’t know. My gut isn’t distrusting of her, but you know what they say: fool me once.”

Shane said, “Exactly.”

I looked and realized Ansley and Lawrence were close by. Her mother trailing behind with her son.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now