part 17

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Its late at night, akaza returned back as promised, y/n was currently laying in a fetal position.  He hops onto the bed, curious if she's awake, leaning overhe gives her face a gentle poke.  "Heyyy are you awake..." He whispers slightly loud, "why.." "can we call him again?" "No my phone is nearly dead" he sighs.  "Then do you want to go somewhere else other than staying here?" "Yeah...let's go ..I honestly don't really care where we go I kinda wanna get my mind off things". 

"Sweet!!" They leave the place he carries her on his back, "where do you go" "wherever the night takes us I guess" "sheesh you sound very bland, hey wanna check out my new dance moves".  "Sure ....sorry after seeing rengoku today I don't know but sure I'd like to see your new dance move-" "hes not hurting you is he.." is he?.  The crickets are chirping, she looks up at the sky watching it in silence. 

Today just seemed very off, why would kyojuro have disheveled clothes, "oi...were here" looking down she blinks a few times.  "We're in town??" "Not just any town it's a district where there's street performance, gambling, drinking, entertainment stuff".  "I dont gamble" "neither do I but common itll be fun besides your being a little bit of a soggy bean with that droopy face right now" "shut it you zebra!!". 

He laughs at her remark, "in fucking with you common let's go ill buy you some chocolate and marshmallows or something because of your sad expression" "psh I'm not sad" "it's written all over you even your body language is shouting depressed now common woman!" He continues carrying her on his back.  A weird feeling he almost remembers. 






The crowd of people were covered in paint and other things like silly looking costumes, he stops by a booth grabbing some sugar cane dragons and chocolates.  "Give them this and we'll be good to go" looking at her palm there was a few coins in it.  "How did you-" "pickpocketing comes in handy yknow" "oh you didn't...nuh uh" "hurry let's go!" He pulls her hand gently.  They start jogging in the streets, it felt weird running like this. 

"What are you really-" "no time for that question, there's some games to watch and play lettttsss goo!" He keeps bugging like a child.  "You are such a trouble maker!!" She couldn't help but chuckle slightly.  The moon was high in the night, the streets still full, "open wide aaah" "baah" akaza tosses a piece of beef into her mouth.  She catches it "goaaal I made the goal!!" Both of his fist are over his head.  "You are like a child you know that" "I don't really care about that part also you got something on your nose". 

"What no I don't" "oh yes you do" "give me a napkin then!!" "Hm no you look better that way".  Oh that son of a....sighing in annoyance she looks at the reflection.  "You liar I don't have nothing on my nose-!" He flicks her face, "you do now hahaha" why is he like this.  Wait didn't he eat a human before?, "ouch! What the fuck!" Growling in irritation he grabs her and jumps onto the rooftop real quick.  "Jesus why the hell did you do that!?" "Look at the streets why don't ya.." the streets what is he talking about?, looking down she can see the other hashiras and some other street performance going on. 

"Hey look down there tengen uzui and his wives are down there" "good for you but I think you should definitely stay away from them".  "Why but they're the good guys" are they? Of course they are, right?.  "Not everyone is good and besides I only took you out tonight because you look like you were struck in the face by the rain".  Okay why did he have to call her out on that, "oh ha ha very funny" "so um about your friend Levi is he strong" "dude he said that the other night did you seriously forget?".  "Hey! Not my fault I cant remember half the time you know besides your the one who....ah nevermind".

Silence overtakes them both, "why were you in a sad mood earlier?" "Rengoku's father and rengoku himself that's why".  "Well what did he do exactly?" "How would I know that his father literally fucking said for me to leave him alone and to basically stop seeing his son because of how I'm a street performer or whatever!".  Her hand collides with the roof top, it stings for a solid minute. 





"Shit happens if I were you I would challenge him to fight, or to tell him to back off" "see that's the main issue he's a fucking asshole, let alone rengoku had disheveled clothes and stuff something I've been through before..." She pulls her knees to her chest.  "Is he cheating on you or something?" "I don't know okay it's so confusing to me ugh I just don't know what to do".  "Why not make him stay or pull the strings to be the one in charge". 

That doesn't sound like a bad idea, "how would I do that??" "Easy next time you come across either of them slap one of them in the face let your real side take over, and you know keep him".  "How are you so good at this??" "Uhh I'm not sure but seeing how you are feeling this moment kinda makes me feel responsible to tell you to be the bigger person".  That's it she will be the bigger person, and she'll definitely make rengoku recognize her to love.  Standing up she fist pumps the air, "if I ever see his father again I'm gonna definitely fight him head on!".

This makes akaza raise a brow, wait did she mean by the flame hashira by that matter??, oh shit. 

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