part 9

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Its been a solid month, y/n was in town bored as it was only becoming close to sundown.  Tengen uzui who was taking up his sweet ass time just looking at stuff and gambling.  She felt irritated at this point and takes a seat, sighing in annoyance someone else sits next to her.

It was a young guy in his twenties he seemed to be spacing out, something she's used to, yet for some reason he smelt drunk.  Feeling a bit uncomfortable by this the random stranger looks at her with disgust, "oh great filthy disgusting and a sore eye".  Ignoring it was normal, "hey lady I'm talking to you show some respect to someone who's superior to you" "sorry did you say something" he was annoyed and full of attitude now. 

"Spoiled little shit, do I need to knock some sense into that thin skull of yours!" He gets up in her face as she now felt annoyed even more.  "Um does it look like I'm even spoiled, and does it even look like I could even care less...because your just a drunk townsman who thinks he's supposedly superior" she sarcastically spoke through her pearly white teeth. 

The enraged man frowns as he raises his hand in front of everyone's eyes, she raises brow knowing where it was going to go.  "If you do lay a hand a on me I'll fuck your shit up sir..." "Haaah ok then you and what army fucking trash did your daddy throw you out because of how disgraceful you are!" She slightly nods her head.  When his hand strikes her face once...y/n slowly stood up on the ground dusting herself off.  Slowly slipping out of the fabric the sports bra and the black swordsmen pants only shows. 

"So I guess it's my turn now to hit huh, since oh you know the rest trash..and for being disgraceful" she sighs and wraps one hand after the other in fabrics over the knuckles.  Once she's done with that y/n gives the drunken a good push.  He stumbles back a few steps knocking some stuff over especially the apples and potatoes.  "Help this woman just pushed me!" "Shut up I'm already started now since you felt the need to strike me I say it's gonna get temperature".





Dust flies up as they started fist fighting each other with the girl under the drunken asshole.  He tried to make her eyes bleed and pop if it wasn't for her comeback hit.  Headbutting him square in the nose he falls backwards in shock, "aack my nose you crazy cunt!!" The two keeps going Rengoku was now passing by as he seen the commotion going on.  Curiosity filling his eyes as he makes his way through the crowd, shock filling face to see the girl that appeared in their masters dojo/mansion/demon slayer corp hideout. 

Was covered in bruises and a busted lip but wouldn't stop swinging at some drunken guy.  Folding his arms over his buff chest he continues to watch in silence, as she headbutts again and knees the asshole in the groin.  "Tell me what I am again!! Huh!!" "Fuck you fatherless whore" she grins maliciously before kicking him in the jaw as he falls onto his back from the harsh blow.  "I'll fucking show you fatherless you drunken old shithead mother fucker!!" Grabbing the man's testicles she squeezes at the hardest level she can do. 

He screams in pain as she does this, "call me fatherless again you old hag!!" Intriguing by her fiery eyes rengoku's heart beats again.  She uses her elbow and body slams into his torso he then puked up the liquor.  Feeling content and proud of this situation the drunken male on the ground only glares. "Watch your back pig..." "Alright alright tell you what faggot ass mother fucker if I will be doing just that but that also includes you watching your marbled sized dick and balls" she backs away from him as he only stares in shock and defeat.

Exiting the place she didnt bother looking at his pathetic expression no more.  Some people muttering as some of the women starts giggling, with her back turned she grabs the shirt that was taken off for the fight.  "Great now I have to get cleaned..."





The dirt and pebbles crunch under her feet she looks up at the night sky unsure of how to feel.  But it felt strange in her gut now that something was going to happen.  Perhaps she should take it more seriously to watch her back at all times.  Or maybe that guy was too drunk and only embarrassing himself Infront of everyone there.  Stopping in her path she continues looking up admiring the stars as they shine in her eyes like a million bits of diamonds. 

"Why was I sent here....?" Muttering that there was shuffling coming from behind, "what is a girl doing out here in the night shouldn't you be home where it's safe..".  "I was just on my way home..." Replying back to whoever it was that kept shuffling up to her the shirt in hand still.  The stranger stops just a single step behind her, his pinkish hair and yellow eyes stand out in the night.  "You should get going before another stranger comes out and just eats you...." "Who is their right mind would want to eat a spicy woman such as myself".

Turning around she stops in her place and just stares in the person's eyes, was it contact lenses or were they real.  "Uhh your those contact lenses or something?" "The hell are contact lenses??" The strange man with white pants and tassel thing on his waist blinks.  For some reason she looked at his waist to see dark blue lines from head to toe.  "Um....I'm just gonna..." Y/n turns back around before speed walking away from the striped person.  He watches her walk away, that was same one he has visited a few weeks ago. 

Looking down at his hands he'll have to get back to looking for the blue spider Lily for his master.  Y/n was almost close to the place she was heading to, just who exactly was that guy and why was he looking like that.  Shaking the thought away she looks up again, and continues walking. 

After awhile she goes back to the house looking place and enters it.  The smell of  delicious food being made fills her nose.  From the treeline an unknown person is watching her go Into the building as the door closes. 

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