part 13

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The glare of a cold emotion growing as the Shadow figure straightens up chucking the body.  It splats at her feet, she gasps before falling backwards, "you had no business in coming out here..." No words are coming out only choked gasps from the lump in her throat.  Growling and snarling comes from the trees there was another one!?, y/n tries to get up but gravity takes its time. 

Akaza jumps down with a lot of air pressure and dust flying around his body. 

"I can't even get the chance to finish my meal.... that's a shame...". The girl suddenly starts running in fear, her lungs burning as she then starts screaming.  Akaza sighs and jumps forward dashing towards the girl that was going to tell.  Of course he has to shut the drunk woman up, gritting his teeth the veins pop out of his skin.  Y/n trips over a rock twisting her ankle in the process.

Akaza grins and lands harshly on the solid ground leaving a fist sized crate in it.  Standing up slowly he towers over hers, " no no nooo no please don't...I don't wanna die!!" "I'm not going to eat you I don't eat women dumbass.." trembling uncontrollably he steps forward. Grabbing a hold of her wrist and pulling the woman upward he sighs.  "I can't just let you leave and blabber out to anyone else that can be I'll make sure to keep you quiet but for now you need to sleep". 

Using his finger to flick her forehead a little bit which was enough to knock her out without leaving any marks.  She falls unconscious again, akaza then carries her against his waist like a sack of potatoes.  Her legs and arms are dangling, he starts walking towards the place where she would normally be sleeping at.  This was going to be very annoying for him. 







Jumping up and opening the window he goes inside tossing her onto the bed as she stirs awake.  It was almost daytime, rengoku must be looking still.  Pulling her knees up to the chest they were very silent, akaza then spoke up.  "Now that your awake here's what's going to happen..okay since you tried to babble me out to the world because I was what eating my food" "y-you ate a person and yet your human".. he laughs as if it were a joke. 

"Yeah...okay I'm not what you said I am...because humans like you are food to us..but like i said im not going to eat you" he jumps onto the bedframe as it slightly dents from his weight.  She backs away, still shaking, "it doesn't matter y-you ate someone!" "Yeah...if you were a demon like me you'd do the exact same thing" he doesn't move except for crouching in an assassin pose. 

She pulls the blanket up and winces when the pain in the ankle catches her attention.  Y/n must've had twisted while running away from him, "now like I was saying before you decided to try and distract me....i cant allow you to just go on your way telling anyone especially the demon slayers".  "You can't do anything to me just to keep me quiet-" in a sudden flash her body was dangling off the bed. He was standing on the bedframe that was groaning from his weight, if he were to keep standing there any longer it would definitely be broken. 

"Are you sure about that?...and since the sun is coming up your going to keep your mouth shut since you know that I'll be watching you, now what girly".  "You can't be doing that besides there's going to be heated moments-" "I won't be watching that or be near it but I'll be here and there just to keep you in your place".  Oh that son of a little, nope not going to say it, but that is so unfair. 

"Were you about to say 'oh that son of a bitch' but chose not to say it out loud?" "Shut it I wasn't going to be saying it and why you even having me dangle like this!!?!" "Do you prefer to be in a crab like choke hold where I am holding you from behind making sure you don't get out of it or a harsher punishment?" "Listen you man eating demon looking ass cheeks of a gator, I think you are terrifying enough as it is and I don't know what punishment you are thinking".

Akaza suddenly drops her on the floor, she yelps from the impact on her ankle.  He jumps off the bed glaring with his arms crossed, " since I'm whatever you just said then you dont mind me doing this then".  Raising a brow in question she yelps again as he covers her mouth firmly, as he then spanks her bottom for a few minutes until it was red.  Even though rengoku has already beaten him to it, speaking of where is he. 





It's already noon y/n was napping alone in her room with the closet door cracked open.  Thanks to the demon in her closet just sitting there hearing everything with his eyes closed.  Hunger wakes her up, she sits straight upwards, a knock comes at the door.  "In here!" She calls out, a familiar face comes in followed by a pink haired girl with braids. 

It was rengoku and mitsuri kanroji, his eyes brightened up from worry to happiness.  "Your here!!" The door slams open with a loud bang he quickly rushed over jumping onto the bed, as he instantly started hugging the fuck out of the girl.  Mitsuri was relieved to see y/n, especially kyojuro rengoku, "where did you go!? I couldn't find you" "I'm sorry ....I got spooked by...a spider".  "Spiders are scary" mitsuri jumped onto the bed accidentally hitting the sprained ankle by accident, y/n winces in pain. 

She flinches in worry, "oh my goodness Im sorry!!" "No no no it's fine...i...sprained it by accident while I was running I'm sorry if I made you feel worried" she lied twice and felt bad.  Rengoku spots the closet cracked open, "babe why is that closet cracked open??" "Oh..right that...I it I forgot to close it when i got back here!" Another lie. 

He nuzzles his face into her neck, mitsuri covers her mouth before saying anything.  "Hey I heard the door being slammed open and came to check on the issue-" obanai freezes in his tracks to see mitsuri in the room as well.  Looking over to the couple on the bed and the pink haired girl with green tips he marches in and takes her out giving rengoku and y/n space as he then salutes them both while closing the door.

"Enjoy" the door shuts, rengoku then lays on the bed gently massaging her sore ankle.  "The heck was that about?" "Oh he probably won't be letting her in for awhile if you catch my drift~" "he you don't mean...wait what bur i have a sprained ankle though!!" "I will not be doing that until your ankle is done healing I will wait".

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