part 6

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Arms wrap around her waist, maybe it was a hug, that's probably what it was, "rengoku..? are you hugging me?".  Still no response just the smell of cologne, gravity shifts again, the girl was itching to open her eyes right now. Gentle breathing on the top of her head signifies he was relaxing.  'oh I he wanted a hug then' hugging him in return she feels the warmness of the sun hitting still.





Its been two hours now, she was sound asleep in the sun, Rengoku was fishing already with his back turned. Her peacefulness was like a kitten on a warm heated blanket. It was cute to see, taking a seat on the grass and looking up at the sun some geese fly overhead. Looks like it's almost time to get going, slowly turning to look over his shoulder lays the woman that has mystiously appeared in their masters dojo.

Leaning over her body half way his shadow casts over the girls sleeping face, rengoku just sits there unblinking.  Smiling softly he reaches down and moves some of her hair locks out of the way.  She was definitely cute even when she's asleep, the space is growing smaller and smaller.  It seems as if their faces were coming very close to touching, stopping midway he closes his eyes. 

"Not yet..." He mumbles to himself "what...on earth..." Opening his eyes was y/n that was wide awake. Silence fills the air, her face covered in the shade from his silhouette. "Well.... I wasn't expecting this to happen" "are you hurt?" "I don't think I'm hurt, I just got done taking a nap only to see you in my face".  He slowly sits up as she sat up straight, her curves show in the suns light. Unblinking for a few minutes she turns around and locks eyes with him again. They don't move another muscle, the wind kicks up again blowing her h/c locks into her face.

"We should probably get going back soon.." he doesn't respond yet, as she stood up he reaches for her wrist n holds it gently. Rengoku smiles back, "sure thing but when I do get back from my mission I have something to ask you" she nods.  He stands up, they walk back to the place.


[3:56 PM]

The sun still shining, they've returned and at the front door sat sanemi with his blade in hand minding his business. He looks up slowly and glares before speaking, "well we have the mut back I was hoping you were gonna be gone for good" "oh look the negative megalodon is talking how many times you gotta open that mouth and catch flies or something else if you can't find something better to say that's nice" he scowls. "Hey!!!" She shrugs her shoulders in return. Having sanemi put his sword away, walking up to the two he's standing in her personal space unblinking. 

"Watch your mouth bitch" "that's funny because your the one who opened his yapping Chihuahua mouth megalodon boi" a nerve pops up in broad daylight. "You have some fu- nerve calling me a megalodon, you know what watch your damn back" rengoku stares at him before turning his face away to smirk. 'another sizzling score for the Cute flame' correcting his posture sanemi has left, he allows her to go inside.






Time has flew by, y/n was currently sitting on her bed reading a book to keep herself occupied for the time being. The wind kicks up, the door to her room opens tengen and mitsuri come in.  "Oh hey guys what's up?" "What you doing?" "Reading.. why" y/n blinks a tiny bit, mitsuri sits on the bed alongside tengen.  "So I heard the news from some of the others, did you really call sanemi a megalodon??" "Yeah" tengen was quiet and takes the book she was reading and flips through some of the pages before laying on his back. 

It looked very interesting to him by the looks of it, "that is kinda funny but I would probably apologize later on if you do come across him" "hmm I'll probably think about it but I only said it in return for being called a mut" she furrows her eyebrows. Plopping onto her back she's met face to face with Tengen uzui who looks from the book locking with her eyes.  Mitsuri lays down as well to join the two, from outside the room stood the white haired anger issued teen. 

He was listening to everything, "but you know I'm probably going to go take a walk".  "Where are you heading to?? Hopefully it's not far?" "It won't be far from this place I'll just be somewhere nearby".





Its thirty minutes past five y/n was sitting on the grass in the shady part of area.  The sun was still shining, thinking deeply she was missing her apartment but how will she ever get back.  Now that she thought again about it if she were to return back to her world that jerk would definitely be looking for her specifically.  A shadowy figure slips into the shaded spot she was distracted completely not realizing the Megalodon Chihuahua was standing behind her.

Sanemi lifts his palms up slowly, perhaps he can talk some sense into her in a quote on quote 'nice way'.  Clamping her mouth shut under his palm she screams in a muffled way. "Shut up and listen dumbass" widening her eyes he lifts them off, y/n spun around again and glares. The wind gently kicks up "alright what is it" "I can give you some props by roasting me for a shawty" "tch whatever you megalodon Chihuahua" he doesnt laugh.  "Ugh I guess I should be apologizing though" she grunted in irritation, he slowly lifts his fingers up before tapping the middle section of the forehead. 

"Gaah hey that's my forehead!" "Yeah I know it's your forehead shawty..." Looking at him in confusion silence overtakes them again.  "Weiner dog" "shut up before I throw you in the lake" "and I'll dunk your head under the surface try me...." Sanemi stops talking before stiffling a laugh.  Is this his way of becoming friends??, or is he trying to make a fool of her.  "Welp the suns going down head back inside I got a job to do" "yeah yeah" standing up she heads inside.  Plopping on her mattress hopefully rengoku will be back in the morning or the day after hopefully. 

She closes her eyes allowing the slumber to take over.  From the open window a set of yellow eyes stare.  "She looks quite peaceful..." The demon male with reddish pink short hair silently climbs in.  Quite curious, standing in the window he folds his arms thinking deeply. Looking over to the table is a small part of rengoku's hair.  Just sitting could this sleeping human girl have close enough relationship to him. 

Walking over to it silently he picks up the hair piece and inspects it closely.  He hums deeply, perhaps that this girl has something to do with him.  Putting it back down, the demon male turns back around and takes a seat on the other side of bed's edge having his back turned.

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