Chapter 13: The Weight

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Awakening again, this time in a lying down position, YN arose from a slumber. Where he was now felt a lot better than the carriage floor he had been sitting on, but not by far.

Is this a cot of some kind?

It was lightly padded, but only just.

Sitting up, he looked around.

This is the clinic not far from the Adventurers Guild. It's where injured Adventurers usually get taken to...

Somewhere along the way, YN had passed out again from the exhaustion and monotony of the silent, slow ride back to the city.

He recognized the curtains that halfway surrounded him now, and the small bed he laid on. This was one of the rooms YN had set other Adventurers in that he'd saved from Quests they had accepted that ended up being over their skill level.

Looking to his side, he saw the familiar sight of his rusty armor, all having been taken off his body by the nurses more than likely.

That couldn't have been easy for them to get off of me...

As he moved the single sheet of the bed off his body, YN saw that bruises covered his body. There wasn't any blood, but it was almost nigh impossible to find any spot that wasn't black and blue on his torso from where he had been hit.

Breathing was slightly painful as well he quickly found. It seemed that the medical professionals had stabilized him, but he was yet to get any real treatment.

Wait, my helmet.

A small chill ran down YN's spine now as he feared Yunyun had seen his identity.


Uttering his first word now, groggy as it was, the curtain to his cot flew open.

"You're awake. How about that."

Closing the curtain behind her, a woman with short black hair stepped in, holding a clipboard of sorts with documents on it.

As YN tried to get up more, this woman, —the nurse, halted him by gently pushing back on his shoulder. With as weak as YN was, he simply collapsed backwards onto the cot from the pain in his abdomen.

"Woah, easy there, easy."

Stopping YN with little effort, he could only look back to her with a pained expression.

"You've been out cold for about a day now. Why don't you just relax a second, get your bearings?"

Accompanying the condescending tone to her words, there was a subtle twang in her voice, like she wasn't from the city. Saying that, she glanced back to the clipboard she held in her hands, as if looking at YN couldn't obviously tell her what it was that was wrong with him and why he was here.

"I'm your nurse, and welcome back to Axel."

Being treated like he was just an annoyance, YN wanted to speak his frustrations, but right now, any time he went to breathe in, let alone raise his voice, the sharp pains in his torso kept him from doing so. He was limited to little more than a quiet conversational way of speaking.

As the nurse gazed up from the clipboard, she looked at the rusty pile of armor that took up the single guest-seat spot in the small area, as well as above and below the one little table that was here too.

"Now, I hope you don't mind, but I had to go through a lot of trouble to get you out of your armor so I could get a better look at you."

From the sound of that, YN had been in his armor all the way to inside the clinic and then some. Hearing that, he could only assume he was free from the fear Yunyun had seen his identity.

Yunyun x Reader (God's Blessing For This Poor Lonely Girl!)Where stories live. Discover now