Chapter 2: Choices

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Over in an instant, the sight before Yunyun had changed with great haste. For one second, there was a far-out, magical phenomenon, in the next second, it had threatened her very life.

Meeting that fate for her though, using his own being as collateral to take the blow, this blue haired stranger, the same one that had, through divination, been shown to be her first true friend, was now nearly no more.

With great force, he was blasted to the ground from his leap, dying before he even landed. As most of his body was now vaporized, very little remained as it finally did come back down.

Yunyun though, despite being saved for this horrendous death, was forced to see the sacrifice made for it.

Now just a pile of charred matter, the body once surrounded by flames was now incinerated into the stone. Unable to look away from the charred black surface of the one who had protected her, her already weak and shaking knees gave out from under her.


Emerging from cover, Yunyun's rival, Megumin, now stood back up. While she hadn't witnessed the same display as Yunyun, Megumin quickly could see what had happened, and she could scarcely believe the unexpected selfless sacrifice of the highest degree.

But with the smoldering body of YN right before her still, an immense guilt wavered over Yunyun.

"W-Why... Why did you—!?"


With her hand wandering outward, slowly to the burnt mass before her, Megumin reached her side, and began to tug her away from the one who had saved her.

"Don't look, Yunyun! Don't... Don't look. It's not good to see such things!"

Caring only to prevent any trauma from setting in on her, Megumin's goal was to help Yunyun first and foremost now. Those that were dead, were dead. There was no helping that, but for someone as well as she knew as Yunyun, Megumin was aware what kind of terrible mental strain this might put on the poor girl.

"Why did you do that!? What did I do to deserve that!?"

Yunyun was typically the kind of lonely, shy girl who might greatly wish someone had enough interest in her to try and tug her away from somewhere, if only due to being starved for attention.

This though, this was different.

Yunyun with all her might resisted it. She wanted nothing more than answers from this once blue haired stranger.

Why?! Why now of all times...?

When no others ever seemed to pay the chronically lonely and outcast girl any attention that didn't also have some sort of ulterior motive, why does someone suddenly come along and do something so profound for her, to then only immediately perish?

To Yunyun, from the moment she had seen him with her own two eyes, she was certain this was the same blue-haired person she had been shown in her fortune. The one who was foretold to be her first, true friend, was gone from the world before any real friendship could blossom.

Such a cruel fate, not only for herself, but for this stranger before her, did not sit well in Yunyun at all.

"Why did you have to die? Why for me!?"

Yunyun was a kind and genuine person, who just wanted friends, and had a troubled way of not making any, no matter how hard she tried. Such kindness, which she thought she may never experience for her own, had it ever happened, would be needed to be repaid.

Yet now, that wasn't possible. Not at all.

As tears streamed down the poor girl's face, Megumin gained ground in terms of getting Yunyun away from the gruesome sight.

Yunyun x Reader (God's Blessing For This Poor Lonely Girl!)Where stories live. Discover now