Chapter 6: Early Morning Rain

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A long, arduous, and lonely carriage ride back was all the girl in the black cloak had to show for this journey out so far from the city of Axel, where she had taken this Kill Quest from.

With so few people actually needing to travel out to the Axel from this village, the ride back was cheap, but it was also lonesome. She had opted to sit on the back ledge, which was typically only used if the carriage was overcrowded, yet this was far from the case, given she was the sole occupant of the carriage, spare the driver. As she dangled her legs off the back, she looked up at the morning sun beginning to creep up over the horizon.

Her clothes were still dirty with the coal dust that the blue-eyed Adventurer had put on her, but by this point in the return trip, being so far from were she had met this person, she was far more soot covered now than the landscape around her.

Wrapping her own arms around herself on this lonely ride, the poor girl tried to mimic what it was like to be held again.

Just like always it seemed, she was alone in the end. With no friends to talk with, or travel with, she remained silent. Just like all the Quests she'd undertake, Yunyun returned to Axel by her lonesome.


Refreshing herself once she had returned to the large city, full of Adventurers, Yunyun was free of the pollution that had still covered her upon her arrival.

The very next day, just as the Guild was opened, bright and early, the twin-tailed girl entered inside to the Hall. Out of pure habit, she walked right up to the Quest Board and began searching for a peculiar posting she knew well.

Concealing this posting though, was an overabundance of Quests, part of a recent influx as of late. With so many tacked up, they were covering the one she searched for, —the very one Yunyun herself had put up; a recruitment request.

Simply stating on it that she was looking for party members to tackle Quests with, Yunyun had hoped that by advertising her magic talents, she could potentially entice people to join her, and hopefully from there, befriend them.

All the poor girl wanted was a friend after all, something it seemed that had eluded her all her life. Spare a few classmates she'd had in her Academy, and her main rival, Yunyun had no one to leisurely speak with.

As she looked up and down the board, she was unable to locate the posting she had put up. Catching her eye though, atop a trash can that needed to be emptied next to the board, sat one crumpled up piece of parchment. Yunyun picked it up, and carefully opened up the crudely tossed away posting.

It was, of course, the one she had put up.

This wasn't a real surprise though. Her own posting had gone days without a shred of attention or interest. In that time, if she wasn't out on a Quest of her own, Yunyun was sat in the back corner of the Guild Hall seating area, at a solitary table, waiting in vain hope someone would see her posting, and be enticed enough to approach her about it.

In her days of waiting here, she read books on how to socialize better and how to get along well with others... Once she had exhausted herself of doing that though, Yunyun had resorted to making houses out of playing cards, and many other mundane, loner activities over this time span as she waited for party members.

It wasn't before too long though, doing these same things day in, and day out, that finally, the Guild Hall's main receptionist, a buxom lady by the name of Luna, had offered Yunyun the Kill Quest to go to where she had met the blue-eyed foundry worker.

But now having returned, with no real place to re-tack her recruitment request to the board, Yunyun sighed to herself.

...I guess the ones up there are more important now...

Yunyun x Reader (God's Blessing For This Poor Lonely Girl!)Where stories live. Discover now