Chapter 12: Don't Take Her She's All I Got

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After getting absolutely zero rest that night, Megumin and YN shambled into the Guild Hall as the morning sun had just crested the walls of Axel.

They had spent the entire day's previous evening through to this morning looking for the illusive blue-haired Archpriest. At one point, desperate in their search, they had taken up one of Megumin's more eccentric suggestions; search the city's graveyard at night.

I didn't think it was that scary... but Megumin and Cecily sure did...

During their excursion into the graveyard, something had spooked both of the girls, and they each ran off. YN had suspected it to be just a person out there to mourn the dead, as it appeared to be a woman with long brown hair in dark robes, but when he took off after the two that were with him, they had split up.

While she hated being treated like a child, YN was admittedly more worried about Megumin's safety, being alone at night, so he opted to go after her.

After the resulting chaos in the escape from the graveyard, YN and Megumin had wanted to go in search of Cecily right after, yet with the cover of night, it was a nearly impossible task. With the sun beginning to come up now though, both YN and Megumin figured their best bet was to just go to the Guild Hall to try and re-group their thoughts.

Both exhausted from a night with no sleep, the two entered into the Guild Hall at this early morning hour.

At first glance, it appeared empty, meaning they might at the very least have first dibs on some of that day's Quests since they both were still in need of money. But, as the door shut behind them, there was a faint sound coming from the far off seating area of the Hall.

Is someone... crying?

Removing his helmet just so he could see better, YN quickly let the metal dome fall back onto his head.

N-No way!

Across the way, head down, quietly sobbing to herself, was Yunyun.

Why is she here so early?!

With Megumin also aware of who it was, the two exchanged a look. For Megumin, it was a look of un-surprised pity, as if she halfway expected to see this. For YN, while his face was hidden under the helmet, it was a look of worry and anxiety.

As the shorter Crimson Demon girl looked back over to Yunyun though, still unaware they had entered in, she turned back to YN.

"Now is your chance. Go cheer her up."

Gesturing over to her rival with a thumb, YN couldn't believe what she was suggesting.

"W-What?! Are you crazy?! I can't go up to her when she's like that! What if something really bad happened?!"

Whispering these words to Megumin, she only shook her head, as to dispel his worry.

"This isn't out of the ordinary for her."

Looking back to Yunyun, a genuine look of earnest pity did cross Megumin's face.

"She only has herself to blame..."

Now again turning back to YN, he shook his head at her.

"I can't just go up and talk to her... even with you there. I feel like I really just need to give her space here. I'm sorry."

Unsure what it was that had Yunyun like this, YN departed from Megumin's side, and sat at an adjacent table, making sure to face away from the crying girl to give her as much space as he could.

Sighing at YN's choice, the Archwizard took a seat across from her crying rival but proceeded to not say anything, while YN of course, being close enough, had intended to listen in.

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