Chapter 5: -But I'm Gonna Be A Diamond Someday

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*Bang* *Crash* *Bang*

At the main entrance to the Foundry, the monster of soot and coal easily forced it's way past the formidable front gate as YN and Yunyun arrived.

"The coal stores are in the back, we gotta stop it before it gets there!"

Shouting to Yunyun to let her know what the monster's goal had to be, YN, tried to take a path that might help them flank their foe. Just before the monster was out of sight though, Yunyun summoned her magic.

"Freeze Gust!"

Sent out from her hands, a wind ripped forth, quelling the area in a frost that reached the monster's legs.

"I-It's halted, for now!"

"Nice! I'm going to go and try and get the furnace shut off before that becomes a problem!"

Nodding to YN, Yunyun replied.

"I-I'll keep it occupied here, just b-be safe!"

With a nod of his own in reply, the soot covered Adventurer ran off to where he should have been this entire time.

Reaching his work station, YN immediately disabled his created device to continuously feed air to the furnace.

"Alright... Just shut this off, close the breathing holes..."

His task completed, the fire in the furnace was still going, but without a flow of air now, it would quickly begin to smolder out.

"Even if it gets here now, it can't use this."

This at least closed the opportunity of a massive fire spreading, or the monster somehow using the smoke stack and furnace to spread the soot much wider.

As YN handled this task though, Yunyun was still having a difficult time dealing with the monster.


Sent from her hands, Yunyun's magic crashed into the monster, where it still had little effect on it besides getting it to stagger.

The coal stash he talked about is right behind me... If it gets to that, it'll have a lot more power!

Try as she might though, any of Yunyun's magic did little to stop it. While it was only intermediate level magic she possessed, it seemed the monster was just that robust.

Barely managing to dodge several attacks by its long, black-coal arms, Yunyun was on the defensive.

Running into the main yard area where the fight was going on though, YN was immediately seen by Yunyun.

"Hey! I'm going to try and freeze it again! That seems to be the only thing that works! Use your strength to smash it once it's frozen!"

Not entirely sure how he could be of any hope up help, YN looked around for a weapon of sorts.

Cast aside from the fighting, was a sledge hammer used for switching on the tracks for the mine carts that transported coal from the pile to the furnace. Nearly as long as both YN's arms, he had used this same hammer before while he had worked at this Foundry, so it wasn't like he was unfamiliar with swinging it.

"A-Alright! Whenever you're ready!"

Holding the hammer at the ready, YN watched as Yunyun called upon her magic.

"Freeze Gust!"

Ice once more shot from her fingertips as the wind collided with the monster. Freezing its legs in place, Yunyun turned to YN.

"Now! It shouldn't notice you until you get close with all that soot on you still!"


Using the monster's likeness of pollution against it now, YN ran in with the hammer above his head until—

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