(29.) - Dark Magic Practical Test.

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    The Next Day...

          It was a bright and sunny day. Well, more specifically - morning. I have been teaching at this academy for 3 days now and I have to say... This entire 'routine' style of life that I am living with the whole 'waking up to teach lessons' thing is reminding me of the times I thought I had already long passed.

The times when I first reincarnated into this world and have a routine like life style of slaughtering monsters for like what — 6? 7? Days? I honestly lost track. But you know what? It didn't matter which day of teaching it was. I was enjoying my time as a teacher at this academy so far.

......I honestly didn't expect to even say that after a few days - I thought it would be absolutely hellish and it'd try to find ways to not have to do this anymore.... But.... Surprisingly, that wasn't the case at all. If anything - I really enjoyed this job so far.

Although, it may be because of the class I've been teaching for the most part.... Y'know? Those 7 so called 'Misfits' of the academy?
Yeah, them. Fun fact, just yesterday in the evening, I was actually assigned as their homeroom teacher as well, not just the one who teaches them Dark Magic and Sorcery Basics and what not.

Sooo yeah... I also now have responsibility over a class of students, which was... Fun.
I suppose.

Anyways - Right now, I was walking through the schools halls, making my way over to the teacher study room. Unlike the name suggests, it actually has very minimal to do with teachers learning. It's actually mainly a place where to grab stuff for education - such as test papers and anything else you may need to run a lesson.

Why was I headed over to there?
Well, it was simple — There were also keys to other locations in the academy located in that single room. The key I needed was a key to the archive of weaponry.
....Weaponry for mock or lesson battles - not actual weapons. I swear I am not planning anything diabolical with these students. I simply have to hold a practical test today, to see if the 7 Students I've been teaching, truly understand the things about Dark Magic and Dark Sorcery that I have been teaching them.

And also if they know how to use what I've taught them in a battle in terms of defending, attacking, dodging — stuff like that.

As I walked, I passed by a classroom, which had its doors slightly open, with another teacher inside going on with his lecture. Curious, I peaked inside, seeing none other than my 7 Students all sitting in the classroom, learning what looked like the Theory of a Practical Magic.

I couldn't help but smile a little, seeing how hard they were working and how much they were focusing on learning. It made me think back to my old world and how I used to be in school. Y'know, my grades had to be on the higher level, to be able to land myself a job at a major company which specialized in some very complicated things.
So I was like these students are right now — a hard working and really dedicated student.

Diamond turned her head slightly towards the classroom door, noticing me, however not making it very obvious and simply waving towards me lightly with a smile. I exhaled and waved back, before backing up and silently closing the door.

Glad to see that I've landed myself the position of homeroom teacher to a class as dedicated as those 7. Makes me wonder even more, why they were called 'misfits' or 'troublemakers' at this academy.


      I eventually got to the place I had been heading to and grabbed the keys to the mock weapon storage archive. My lectures for the 7 students were coming up very soon — quite literally, the next lesson. Next time that bell rang, they'll be on their way to the Practical Test ground, where all students take their practical tests.

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