(22.) - Shin - Yiinao Hero.

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     After the handshake I had with the Baron, I kinda split off of Iyka and Wezrall, as the Baron dragged me off to the side - more specifically, upstairs on the same balcony that the baron had stood upon earlier. Yeah.... A private talk, with the Baron of Yiinao.
Apparently he wanted to speak to me about something and thank me properly.

Standing ontop of the balcony and looking over down at all the other people in the giant hall, I couldn't help but marvel a little. So THIS is how a noble lives...

I watched the people below with silence, before being startled by the Baron coming up towards me from behind.

"Tell me, are you enjoying yourself so far in the evening?"

He asked.
I jumped lightly, before exhaling and looking back down at the people below after exchanging a gaze with the Baron.

"I suppose this is quite.... Interesting. It's certainly different from my usual adventures."

The Baron laughed lightly before hitting me gently on the back.

"Well, this is a ball set up by me! A Baron has an image to uphold, you know."

I don't doubt that....
I laughed a bit awkwardly, before leaning slightly onto the railing on the balcony - crossing my arms as I did.

"So... Why did you exactly pull me up here again? You weren't the most straightforward with your reasoning down there."

"Ah, well, apologies for my lack of explanation. I wished to talk to you alone for a couple of reasons."

Kalos began, bowing lightly before me, before looking down at the crowd of people below as well. I also, followed suite, looking down at the people below - sharpening my gaze lightly as I did.

"I'm all ears I suppose.."

"Well, for beginners - I wanted to thank you greatly for your contribution to the investigation and the shutting down of the Black Market that had been working below Yiinao this whole time. Your aid was of great help and truly has changed Yiinao for the better."

Seems a bit like he is tickling my ego, or at least trying to do so, but I'll let it slide for now.
It was after all just a simple show of gratitude for my help, even if I didn't really do all that much. Especially during the raid - in which I basically spent the entire time battling agaisnt the fucking Void Lord and not actually participating in the raid itself.

But then again... No one could have predicted that the Void Lord would suddenly rip me out of the raid and pull me into some other dimension that was entirely covered by darkness and served as a battle arena for us.

I mean - I didn't see it coming.

I simply rubbed the back of my head, chuckling lightly.

"It's not as impressive as you make it sound."

"Haha - I appreciate the humble attitude you have, however there is no need to shoot down or downgrade your accomplishments dear Adventurer Shin."

The Baron replied, before placing his arms behind himself. Downgrade my achievements?... Well, I suppose I did kinda downgrade or shoot them down a bit just now...
Although, can you really blame me?

"Moving on - I wished to discuss something more with you."

"Well I'm listening."

I replied almost instantly, surprising the Baron a bit, however he exhaled and smiled lightly - almost like he had expected my fast response.
....Or maybe not. I don't know - I suck at reading people.

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