(4.) - The Investigation Begins.

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       As I entered the Guildmasters office, I took a look around - examining the entire office. It was much, much larger than the one that Gidou had back in Ordial. On a rough estimate, I'd say it was like 2 times the room size.

And yet, there was less furniture inside here than Gidous office. There was a silver carpet leading from the office entrance all the way to the desk of what I presume was the Guildmasters desk at the other end of the room.

In front of the desk, was a pair of couches facing one another, with a small table in-between them - just like Gidous office.
Another difference, was that this office had a lot more... Souvenirs? Would that be the best way to describe them?

I mean, there were all sorts of items framed with glass frames on the walls, and even pedastals that held items on top of themselves.
Y'know, I would most of the time take my time to observe each and every item, however this wasn't like the last time in Gidous office, when I had no task - I was here on official business, mainly, the quest that Gidou had sent me on to here.

Lastly, there were many armour stands with all sorts of different armours lined up against the two walls which led to the back end of the room.

This office felt more like a vault or something than an office if I had to be honest.

"Are you done examining my office?"

Suddenly a female voice spoke, startling me a bit as I turned to see the same silver haired woman, peacefully sitting on the couch, sipping what looked like tead from silver cups.

...Where did she even come from—?
I swear I didn't see her inside the room...

| That would be because of her excellent ability to conceal her presence. It was concealed so well, that she sort of 'vanished' for anyone not paying attention. |

Ah - I see...
Wait— That means you knew that she was there the whole time, didn't you?!

| It is rude to keep a lady waiting, Master. |


"You're going to stand there and continue making a fool of yourself or will you come over here and take a seat, so we can start our discussion?"

I shook my head immediately, turning back to look at the Silver Haired woman, who placed her silver cup down onto the table infront of her, looking over at me with a unimpressed stare.

I remained quiet for a bit, before laughing awkwardly. I sometimes forget that only I could actually hear the Ancient One, seeing as he was my skill..

So whenever I would talk to him in public, people would be giving me seriously concerned stares.

After rubbing the back of my head, I quickly made my way over to the couches, taking a seat in the empty one, on the other side of the table.
The woman looked at me, examining me a bit, before closing her eyes, picking up her silver teacup once more and sipping some more tea.

.....This was a very awkward silence between us. I'm not sure whether she was waiting for me to begin the discussion or if she was simply killing time by not talking or doing anything, but the silence was beginning to feel suffocating.

I felt a bit... Scared to start the conversation.

After all- I had no clue what I was doing or talking about. All I knew is what Gidou told me - which mind you, wasn't a lot.

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