(11.) - Downtime.

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         As I followed Frindel to a more 'private' section of the port, I couldn't help but wonder what had gotten Frindel so worked up when Klana was speaking with us. There seemed to be this strange 'beef' or hatred between the two, almost like they already knew eachother and weren't fans of eachother.

....Could Klana not actually be a human? I mean, she looks human - but her aura is far, far too powerful to be a human.
And then there's the fact that some creatures are able to take on a 100% perfect copy of a human, with none of their true appearances elements finding their way into the human look.

With this in mind, plus with the seeming hatred she has against Frindel and the fact that she has a monstrous aura to her - there was realistically only one conclusion I could come to.

Could it be that Klana is actually a—

"Alright Master, this will be private enough of a spot for us to discuss what you wanted to discuss."

Frindel suddenly spoke, knocking me off the way of my thoughts and causing me to look at her. Guess I'll save my conclusions for a bit later, right now, this was my priority.

I nodded, before crossing my arms.

"Soo... Speak. What's the deal with these 'Cardinal Sins'?"

I asked, sharpening my gaze.
Frindel seemingly thought about the way to explain it to me, before exhaling and looking at the sky.

"....I suppose the simplest way to explain it, would be to say that the Cardinal Sins were technically our creations, which we made to hold Authorities that were at risk of erupting."

She began, before looking at me and beginning to explain the whole thing.
I won't exactly bore you with all she told me, so allow me to summarise down the most important details.

The Cardinal Sins nowadays have sort of become 'Rulers' of their own - overseeing entire races, towns and even in the most extreme scenario, a whole country.
As rulers of races and such, they have created their own laws that the members of that race must follow, as well as completely separate laws for everyone else, which prescribes the way to interact with a race ruled by a Cardinal Sin.

In this situation with the Succubus and her underground Black Markert — We can't waltz in and arrest her without more evidence, as we are at risk of violating the supposed 'Succubi Protection Laws' which were enforced by Asmodeus - the Sin of Lust.
The law apparently stated that unless there is hardcore evidence to support that a member of the succubi or incubi has done something awful, they were to not be restrained or thrown into jail - as they were considered a 'endangered' race, due to their extremely thin numbers.

Apparently nowadays there is literally only around 1,340 Succubi and Incubi left all around the world. Now, that sounds like a lot - I also thought it was kinda a lot, however it is miniscule when comparing it to the race with the most individuals in it, humans, who have around 2,9 million humans all around the world.

Not going to lie-
The entire situation felt like bs and very rigged in someone elses favour.

I mean— seriously.
With no 'hardcore' evidence, we couldn't do shit to her?? Talk about complete and utter stupidity!

As Frindel finished her explanation, I sighed, scratching my head. The situation was a lot more... Complex than I had thought. Guess that was to be expected when you're dealing with cross race laws...

| Master, surely we can just kill the Succubus and call it an accident? After all, if she dies inside of the Shadows... |

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