Chapter 75: Alone in the Snow

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In this world, I knew that my existence was tantamount to no more than a speck of dust.

Of course, I knew.

I stood under the faded skies of the north, overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness.

The snow beneath my feet almost felt like it was swallowing me whole, rendering my body stiff.

"It's good to be back. Now, who should I kill first?"

The devil incarnate, Lilith.

Unfortunately, she has completely taken over the body of her host. When I saw the dramatic change in her appearance, I knew then that Ingrid Nala Marchetti was beyond saving at this point.

Gone was the lady who charmed people with her pink hair and emerald eyes. Her earthly beauty was nowhere in sight. All I see is a vile woman who was out to decimate the defenseless north.

Think, Callie. What can you do right now?

"Grand Duchess!"

I turned towards the source of the voice. There was a knight rushing over to our direction. At first, I could not see his face amidst the heavy snow. But as he got closer to us, my face lit in recognition.

"Louie," I whispered rather affectionately.

Grand Duke Averill's personal knight was covered in steel from the neck down to the toes. Only his face was free from the armor, displaying his dark and ruffled hair and hazelnut eyes.

Above anything else, he seemed disoriented.

That's when I realized that Louie was rushing over to the grand duchess. However, before he could get past me, I forcibly pulled him back by his arm.

"What-!" He turned his head towards me.

"Stay away from her." I firmly told him.

At the moment, Ruth Alessia di Camellia was in a state of epiphany. She was enclosed within an impenetrable barrier of black magic, kneeling on both knees and whispering her voice to the wind.

To me, it almost looked like she was praying.

To the devil, that is.

Aside from that, there was black magic in the form of purplish, serpentine matter leaking out from the barrier and seeping towards Lilith, who was still hovering midair and marveling at the entirety of Chioni.

I can only surmise that my sister was offering her life force to the devil. At least, that's what it looks like to me.

"It's too dangerous now, so don't go anywhere near her." I stated, eyeing the grand duchess.

"You are..." Louie trailed hesitantly.

"I'm here under the orders of Princess Louisiana Odette Von Solaris. Your master should be with Her Highness in the palace." I imparted formally to the knight. "I have come to inform you that..."

"Enough with that." The knight raised his hand and interrupted me. "There is no need to tell me all the details. We're already short in time as it is."

I stared at him, taken aback.

"I only need you to tell me two things: whether His Grace is alive or not and what I am supposed to do right now." Louie added with all seriousness.

I gulped. "Aren't you trusting me too easily?"

"His Grace has already told me about you." The knight explained curtly. "He stated that someone who looks exactly like Isabelle would arrive in the north, and he also told me to follow your orders."

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